
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ インド/バングラデシュ:国境警備隊員が無差別に多くの人を殺害し人権侵害している



(Kolkata, December 9, 2010) – India and Bangladesh should take immediate steps to end the killing of hundreds of their citizens at the West Bengal-Bangladesh border by India’s Border Security Force (BSF), Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Indian government should prosecute BSF soldiers responsible for serious human rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said.

(コルカタ、2010年12月9日)-「西ベンガル州とバングラデシュの国境でインド国境保安部隊(India’s Border Security Force :BSF)が、市民数百名を殺害してきている。インド及びバングラデシュは、それを止めさせるため、直ちに手段を講じなければならない。」とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日公表したレポートで述べた。インド政府は重大な人権侵害を行ったBSF兵士を訴追するべきである、ともヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べている。

The 81-page report, “‘Trigger Happy’: Excessive Use of Force by Indian Troops at the Bangladesh Border,” documents the situation on the border region, where both Bangladesh and India have deployed border guards to prevent infiltration, trafficking, and smuggling. Human Rights Watch found numerous cases of indiscriminate use of force, arbitrary detention, torture, and killings by the security force, without adequate investigation or punishment. The report is based on over 100 interviews with victims, witnesses, human rights defenders, journalists, law- enforcement officials, and Border Security Force and Bangladesh Rifles’ (BDR) members.


“The border force seems to be out of control, with orders to shoot any suspect,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The border operations ignore the most basic rule of law, the presumption of innocence.”


Since both Indians and Bangladeshis have fallen prey to this excessive use of force, both governments need to open a joint independent investigation to turn the situation around, Human Rights Watch said.


Many people routinely move back and forth across this frontier to visit relatives, buy supplies, and look for jobs as well as for both petty and serious crime. The border forces are charged with intercepting illegal activities, especially narcotics smuggling, human trafficking for sex work, and transporting fake currency and explosives. They are also charged with restraining militants who are plotting violent attacks.


In many of the cases investigated by Human Rights Watch, the victims were cattle rustlers –farmers or laborers hoping to supplement their meager livelihood as couriers in the lucrative but illegal cattle trade that is rampant at the West Bengal border. Alauddin Biswas, a border resident, described the killing of his nephew who was suspected of cattle rustling by border guards in March 2010:

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが調査をした多くのケースでは、犠牲者は家畜泥棒だったが、実はそれは貧しい生計の足しするのを望んで西ベンガル州国境で盛んに行われている、金にはなるが違法である家畜交易の運送屋をしている、農民や労働者だった。アラウッディン・ビスワズ(Alauddin Biswas)は国境の住民だが、彼の甥が2010年3月に国境警備隊に家畜泥棒の疑いをかけられ殺害された時の様子を、以下のように説明してくれた。

            I went to see the body. It was lying 5 or 6 kilometers away from our house. There were      police and politicians. We all saw that the BSF had shot him while he was lying on his       back. They had shot him in the forehead and the bullet had pierced through and was lying    a few inches inside the ground. If he was running away, he would have been shot in the      back. They just killed him…


Over 900 Bangladeshi nationals have been killed by the BSF over the last decade, many of them when they crossed into Indian territory for cattle rustling or other smuggling activities. However, in several cases we also found that Bangladeshi nationals were injured or killed due to indiscriminate firing from across the border. For instance, 13-year-old Abdur Rakib was shot as he was grazing his buffaloes near the border when a soldier opened fire. Another boy, Mohammad Omar Faruq, age 15, was injured.

過去10年でBSFは900名を越えるバングラデシュ国籍の人々を殺害している。犠牲者の多くは、家畜泥棒若しくはその他の密輸行為をするため、インド領に越境してきた時に殺害されている。しかしながら幾つかのケースでは、バグラデシュ国籍の人々が国境越えの無差別銃撃で殺害若しくは負傷しているのを、私たちは明らかにした。例えば13歳のアブドル・ラキブ(Abdur Rakib)は自分の水牛に国境近くで草を食べさせていた時に、1人の兵隊が発砲し殺害された。もう1人の15歳の少年モハマド・オマル・ファルク(Mohammad Omar Faruq)も負傷している。

The Indian government is constructing a fence close to the border to contain the infiltration of economic migrants from Bangladesh, as well as militant groups responsible for attacks on Indian citizens. The resulting limitations on freedom of movement of those wanting to access their own land closer to the border has led to hardship for border residents.


“Residents complain that intimidation, verbal abuse, and beatings are common, with border guards, particularly the BSF, treating everyone as suspects.” Ganguly said. “The border force, with a peacetime mission of preventing illegal activity, is acting like it is in a war zone, torturing and killing local residents.”


The border force justifies the killings by claiming that suspects were evading arrest, or that it had to fire in self-defense, Human Rights Watch said. But suspicion of a crime or evasion of arrest cannot alone justify the use of lethal force. The United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials calls upon officials to apply, as far as possible, nonviolent means before resorting to the use of force and firearms. Officials are required to exercise restraint and “act in proportion to the seriousness of the offense.” Human Rights Watch found no evidence in any death it documented that the person was engaged in any activity that would justify such an extreme response.

国境の部隊は、「被疑者が逮捕を逃れようとした。」或いは「正当防衛で発砲せざるを得なかった。」と主張して、この大量殺人を正当化している、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。しかし犯罪の疑いや逮捕逃れは、それだけで命を奪う危険性のある武力を使用することを、正当化するものではない。国連の法執行官による力および火器の使用に関する基本原則(United Nations Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials)は、力及び火器の使用にうったえる前に可能な限り非暴力的手段を講じることを、当局者に求めている。当局者は抑制を利かすとともに、「違反行為の重大性に均衡した活動を行う」よう義務付けられている。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが取りまとめた殺害事件のどれにも、そのような極端な対応を正当化するような行為に犠牲者が従事していたという証拠がないことを、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは明らかにした。

Hundreds of complaints of mistreatment by the border forces have been filed, but no member of the force has been prosecuted. Human Rights Watch found that local police forces rarely register complaints against border security and sometimes encourage the victims to drop their cases, telling them that nothing will come of it. On one occasion, the police informed a victim that the border force had committed no crime, since it was there “to beat the people.”


The Bangladesh government should vigorously protect the right to life of its citizens, even those who may be involved in illegal trade, and should call upon the Indian government to exercise restraint.


“Human Rights Watch has repeatedly called upon the Indian government to prosecute those responsible for human rights violations instead of letting its security forces get away with murder,” Ganguly said. “The BSF insists that there are internal investigations, but why then is it so unwilling to reveal whether anyone has been punished for these killings.”

「ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはインド政府に、治安部隊が何をしても許されるようにしておくのではなく、人権侵害を行った者を訴追するよう、これまで繰り返し求めてきた。」とギャングリーは語った。「BSFは内部捜査が行なわれていると主張するが、それならなぜ? これら多数の殺人事件で誰かが処罰されてきたのか?について明らかにする意思がないだろうか?」


Testimony From the Report

“The BSF personnel were frustrated because their suspects escaped. They surrounded the boys and without giving any reason, started beating them with rifle butts, kicking and slapping them. There were nine soldiers, and they beat my sons mercilessly. Even as the boys fell down, the BSF men continued to kick them ruthlessly on their chest and other sensitive organs.…”

– Krishna Chandra Mondal, father of three boys arbitrarily beaten by the BSF.



-クリシュナ・チャンドラ・モンダル(Krishna Chandra Mondal)は、BSFが恣意的に暴行した少年3名の父親である。

“At around 3 a.m. we decided to cross the Indian border. While passing a field we did not notice that some BSF soldiers were hidden there. As soon as the BSF saw us, they started firing without warning. On that night, the BSF shot at least 30 rounds. I had never experienced such firing from the BSF before.”

– Nazrul Islam, Bangladeshi, injured by indiscriminate BSF shooting.

「午前3時頃、俺たちはインド国境を超えるって決めた。野原を横切っている時、そこにBSFの兵隊が隠れているのに気がつかなかったんだ。BSF は俺たちを見つけると直ぐ、いきなり撃ってきた、警告なんてなしよ。その夜BSFは少なくたって30発は撃ったな。俺は前にBSFからあんなに撃たれたことなかったんよ。」

-ナズラル・イスラム(Nazrul Islam)はバングラデシュ人で、BSFの無差別発砲により負傷した者

“I had taken our three buffaloes for grazing in the field…about 50 yards from the border. It is a common grazing ground and a lot of other boys were feeding their buffaloes in the same field….A young boy was catching fish in the lake.… A BSF soldier was standing at the border and loudly talking to the boy who was catching fish. It seemed that he wanted the boy to give him some free fish.... Soon they started to verbally abusing each other and then the BSF pointed a gun at the boy. The boy ran and the soldier started to shoot. I think maybe about seven to ten rounds were fired… I was hit on the right hip and fell down.”

– Mohammad Omar Faruq, 15, injured by BSF shooting recounts the death of 13-year-old Abdur Rakib.


-モハマド・オマル・ファルク(Mohammad Omar Faruq)は15歳、BSFの発砲で負傷した少年だが、13歳のアブドル・ラキブが殺害された時のことについて、詳しく話してくれた。

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