How SWEET am I?


We are entertainers!!!!!

2011-01-12 00:09:54 | Weblog
Finally, we will be a famous entertainer!!
Today, my friends and I auditioned for a certain entertainment academy for joke. It was actually so fun. An executive explained to us about the audition, and they let us take a dance lesson. We had to show the dance which we were taught like minutes ago to judges.

The audition was composed of two parts. One is dance and another is speaking one’s line which was decided. And we could do anything if we would like to show off. I thought I had to do something funny to make a silly memory. And I did the short funny skit by myself. Of course no one laughed!! But it doesn’t matter for us as long as we made an unforgettable memory. My friends sang really funny songs and of course no one laughed!!

After the audition, we met with our old friend who transferred to the other school. It was so fun to be lost in memories of our junior high school days.

Today definitely became one of our unforgettable memories.

suck at using a computer

2010-12-24 03:37:15 | Weblog
Let me tell you why I thought about the title of this diary.

First, today I tried to make a script of a New Year's card with word 2007 by myself. However, it took like forever to finish it, and finally i couldn't finish it :(

I dont know how to delete the margin because i want to make a whole background.

Can anyone help me? Please tell me how to do it, otherwise i cant greet the New Year :x haha

dang it!!!!

The Kingdom of Dreams and Magic

2010-12-23 00:16:36 | Weblog
I had a short trip for Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo with my gf.

It was really super fun. We went to there by night bus. It was a little uncomfortable to my back because I had broken it before lol

And we met with my schoolmate at chance, it surprised me :P

And finally, the main event of the trip, Tokyo Disneyland!!!!!!!

I hadn’t gone to Disneyland in ages, probably since I was in 6.

First of all, I’ll tell you the result, it is definitely “The Kingdom of Dreams of Magic”!!!!!!!!!

We loved there. As you know, you can’t see outside from there. It makes people feel they are escaping from the ordinal world. And of course we got the magic :) We did pretty much all the attractions. My favorite was “Space Mountain”. There were so many enjoyable attractions tho. And dinner we had there was also really good., like we were in dreams.

I respect Walt Disney now:D

I wish I could stay the official hotel someday. It was so cool and gorgeous. It is quite expensive, but it doesn’t really matter because it is The Kingdom of Dreams and Magic!!!!!!haha

You guys should go there. I bet you will feel you are in dream;p

I’ll write about trip in Tokyo next time

bye( ^^) _U~~

Are you fuckin' kidding me??

2010-12-14 03:26:37 | Weblog
First of all, I’m quite surprised every time when I see the numbers of visitors for my blog. It is quite a lot. I don’t think I told anyone the presence of this blog. Who are checking my blog? Who are you?? lol
But I’m really glad that many people see my blog. Hopefully, I want your comments :) so please make some comments if you would like to. And please tell me when my English expressions or words are wrong.

Today, I should have got a call from the café which I took the interview for part-time job. BUTTTTTT!!!! I didn’t get any call from there!!! I finally doubted my memory when I took the interview, like “Did she really say that she would tell the result in two days??”
Actually, I’m kind of worried about it. OHHH I really wish I would pass the interview :P

Don’t worry, I will write the result anyway.

the interview for the part-time job

2010-12-12 03:33:34 | Weblog
oh god, why do I write my diary so late at night every day. I never learn:( but I'm trying to write all the things which happened in the day. well it is just an excuse lol

From tomorrow, I will change my life style to a regular one. It will be good for my health and mind.

By the way, did you see the K-1 today?? I watched it, and do you know what i was doing during CMs??
Of course i did push-ups lol
I was like "oh im definetely getting stronger!!" i believe thats what everyone does when you watch K-1 :D

well let me explain about the title of this diary. I went to the cafe in the city to have an interview. I can work there if i pass it. The owner of the cafe was quite beautiful and she is probably like 27:) I didnt chose the cafe because of her. dont worry lol I really hope i will pass... I will know the result in 2 days...

God Knows lol

too late to write a diary

2010-12-09 05:02:58 | Weblog
I seriously start writing a diary from today.
There is noting that prevents me from it anymore :)
If you have seen my blog, you may think that I can’t stick to anything, but dont forget the past. Haha

Today, I went to a flood plain along a river with my father and I practiced letting in the clutch. It was much more difficult than I had expected it would be. And we played catch. After that, somehow I was exhausted and took a nap.

ok, I end my diary today even though its really short. I still have lots of things to do. Sorry.

Well, good night. 5 am now tho lol

My New Life Begins...

2010-08-21 23:48:06 | Weblog
Hello. It's been long time... but my new life begins!!
I will take an AO entrance exam for Global studies course, so I have to practice for writing essays. I update essays about some video about international issues from today everyday.
If you are interested in them, please check them out!!

23 Long time no diary lol

2009-03-18 13:09:04 | Weblog
Hey what's up guys? How have you been lately? I've been great. And I intend to keep writing this diary again!! YAY

Did you guys know that I have begun to play soccer? You know why? Because I just wanted to!!haha Actually, I could choose either of soccer or basketball, but I chose soccer. There are some reasons of it. First, I felt like to play soccer more than basketball because I can play basketball everyday in Japan. Second, my host brother and host father play soccer and like it. So I can go to the soccer practice much easier than going to the basketball practice. Anyway, I love to play soccer now!! We have the game every Sunday and already had 4 games. In 3rd game, I made scored finally. I shouted after then because I felt really great!!

Oh by the way, I am in the spring break right now, though it's only 9 days. Yesterday, I went to my friend's house, his name is Spencer. He is in my Health class, and we had talken like "We need to hang out sometime!", then we finally did it. We had a lot of fun. He had a little sister who is 1 year and half, she is really cute. So I took pictures with her. Spencer, his brother and I played soccer a little bit, tennis, basketball, and went fishing at a pond that is close to his house, even though we didn't catch any... At 5:30, my host mom picked me up, and I went home.

Oh well I gotta go to bed, so see later. Hopefully, tomorrow!!

21 About Christmas day (I know it's too late)

2009-01-07 16:16:12 | Weblog
I will write about Christmas day. It was first time Christmas which was in foreign country, for me. I got a lot of presents. On Christmas Eve night, we opened only one present. It was a Spanish calendar. I think that host parents bought it because I told them I wanted to take Spanish class next semester. I was so glad about it. That calendar is like daily calendar and written Spanish expressions and translations in English each paper.

We opened the rest of presents in Christmas morning. They were a great basketball, a small backpack, a Santa hat, lots of snack with Santa sox, a car calendar, a blanket, a basketball shorts, a orange shirt, a i Tunes gift card 25$, and a ticket for buy shoes because host parents didn't know what size my feet were.
I'd never got so many presents like this one day, before.

We ate Christmas meal. It was very good.

I was surprised about American Christmas because I got lots of presents. And I thought it was cool that almost the all store and restaurant close on Christmas. Spending Christmas in America was a very good experience for me. And I'm so thankful to my host family.
I thought I'm brought up in a really good environment, all over again.

Peace out, dude.

20 Don't smoke weed!!!!haha  ×

2008-12-29 16:14:46 | Weblog
I'm gonna write about yesterday and today. I hung out with Adam. Yesterday, we went to the mall and picked gifts to my family because he stayed my house when he came to Japan. That's why he wanted to get something for my family. He got two candle for my parents and two shirt for my sisters. After that, we went to his house and ate dinner. Then we went bowling. Adrian, Cindy, and Timmy were there. Adam got the best score and I was second. Adrian was freaking bad bowler!! I showed how to throw to him, but he didn't get it. Anyway, it was really fun. After bowling, we played in arcade. Adam and I played DDL, but I couldn't play well even beginner level. However Adam is such a good player.

After that, he took me to my host's home about 10:45.

Adam and I went to YMCA and exercise. Adrian came, too a short while leter we got there. It was good execercise. Later, we went to smoothy which is a drink store. It was like shake, but it was a good drink for my health. We went to Subway Adam works. We were able to come into inside of it. It was like only employee lol I took picture a lot. I'll put them to this blog someother time. Then we said good-bye ti Adrian and went to Adam's house. We cleaned his yard and ate dinner. I experienced a lot today. For example, spliting wood, making fire, and a new skatebord. I had a very good time!!!! Oh and I was surprised because I knew I touch was awesome and very convenience. I want it when I get back to Japan.@@//

I'm very thankful for you, Adam!!!!
Thaks to you, I could have a good time this two days!!

Oh by the way, Adrian told me how to learn pronunciation. Listening English a lot and singing English-songs a lot will be good for my english pronunciation. I will and get a good pronunciation skill!!!!
Thank you for telling.

I have to read a book during a break..... ESL....
