


2014-03-26 06:06:35 | 旅行

It is easy hope that expects the intercession.
It is the most useless though is the easiest.
It (cont) tl.gd/n9kbeh

When the sense can become sharp the whole of things be caught stick to the part too.
Surrounding (cont) tl.gd/n9ket6

7 and 8 in ten of the lives are to suffer. The one that one in that is happy and wonderful. It isn't significant to the one easily obtained


2014-03-25 06:00:46 | 旅行

promote some switches to play. Because it is analog in the music like becomes clear and rehabilitation memorizes though it takes time.

An important thing is to mobilize person's all strong points,and desires, and to increase the entire ability. The working person works hard.

If wish to express gratitude, it becomes a rich life, and a more powerful signal can be sent and the desire be brought close.

There isn't a reason gets wants in the place the grumble in either.
Switching and doing over again firmly are wiser.
Now let's work hard.


2014-03-24 06:06:48 | 旅行

About firm belief and strain, the euphoria which begins to work by new feeling today boils.

There is no time to be depressed up to obtaining the aimed target when what should be done the (cont) tl.gd/n9gr3n

Haste and the hesitation bend the mind, it worsens the situation, and the possibility is narrowed. (cont) tl.gd/n9hp9k


2014-03-22 06:03:55 | 旅行

Splendid Friday passed and woke up by the chatter that was earlier than on the morning of day…

If only people's expectation is considered it will thin. It's seen clearly, so that there is (cont) tl.gd/n9dpi2