
2011-03-12 01:48:06 | 統一教会
00:40 from Echofon
iPhone! RT @lovintp: Umma tweeting to y'all family! http://t.co/AXorEhA
03:41 from SeesaaBlog
『2011年03月10日のつぶやき』統一教会信徒 スドウ・チョウンのSee…|http://sudo-chown.seesaa.net/article/190004069.html
07:14 from Mobile Web
RT @lovintp: She rushed all the way to the airport to get it to us! Amazing love for TPs! http://t.co/t01bfcs
22:14 from Echofon
RT @lovintp: Dear God! May japan be saved by the power of cbmnoms! ?
by sudo_chown on Twitter