Shyonen & Rock'nCats🎵

Music, Cats , fishing , Foods.......

I Choose You ( by East Meets West )

2024-04-12 14:16:27 | 日記

I Choose You ( by East Meets West )


ニューEP、"Another Chapter _ chapter 1" からアコースティックバラード
“I Choose You“ 公開です🎶

新曲 NOTHING BUT ( by East Meets West )!!!

2024-03-29 08:58:57 | 音楽作業

NOTHING BUT ( by East Meets West )


Brian Ralstonの強烈なボーカルと、Paul Oakleyの凄まじいギターが炸裂!
East Meets Westの真骨頂!!



KARMA IS ( by East Meets West )

2024-03-22 09:19:16 | 音楽作業

KARMA IS ( by East Meets West )

"KARMA IS" from new album "Another Chapter _ Chapter 1 " by East Meets West. 🎶 60s 70s が好きな方は是非🎶



Spotify :

Merry Christmas🎶

2023-12-25 11:25:20 | 日記

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away / The Beatles ( Cover )

2023-01-13 08:01:58 | 音楽作業

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away / The Beatles ( Cover )

