camera slider,camera stabilizer,camera rig

camera slider

Sevenoak Professional DSLR Camera Rig - Best for your video

2018-01-15 09:15:54 | 日記
  Maybe you did not realize that the camera rig in your hands is actually the most versatile shooting tool. The camera rig not only fixes the camera at different heights, but it also offers some extra creative ideas.

  Place the camera in a bird's-eye view and support the camera rig with both legs open. Carefully control the camera to move forward or backward. Pay attention to the safety of the camera when shooting and ensure that the camera rig is as light as possible.

  If you are looking for a creative way to transition, you can consider this technology. Unfold the camera rig extension and find the center of balance. Rotate the camera at the end of the last shot and before the next shot, and by combining it later, you get a very interesting result.

  Shoulder Support Camera Rig mini SK-VC01

  Sevenoak SK-VC01 is a highly compact and light-weight aluminum shoulder support Camera rig specifically used for small DV, 4/3 cameras and small DSLRs. The shoulder support camera rig SK-VC01 should camera support rigincreases the stability while recording and its light-weight design frees you from fatigue even after long shooting periods. The soft foam pad fits comfortably on your shoulder, and the handle bar can be used as a stand-alone support for your camera.

  The camera rig upside down and dangling at a certain height, the entire device with the hand control up and down movement, or even rotate the lens. Due to the effect of gravity, the lens can be largely stabilized. Of course, safety is still the first one, palms sweat easily wear non-slip gloves and then operate.

  The camera rig can be quickly converted to a shoulder-mounted device that simply unzips and captures the camera rig's two legs and uses the third leg as a handle. In order to achieve weight balance, you can place the right weights on the two rear legs as counterweights.

  The final method is also the simplest, most of the camera rig PTZ has a common 1/4 screws, there are many lighting products on the market to be compatible with such a mounting point. Using your camera rig to install your lights, you can move the lights smoothly in the scene and add some extra effects to the artwork. Such as the simulation car or as a background light and so on.

Shoulder camera rig
dslr camera rig
camera shoulder rig
dslr camera slider
motorized camera slider
dslr camera cage
camera viewfinder

