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We strongly oppose the "Violent Western Crusade to divide and rule the world".

2022-01-26 | Weblog

Kitaro - Silk Road

We strongly oppose the "Great Reset through social and economic restrictions under the pretext of public health".

We strongly oppose the "Disasterous Depopulation Plan through dangerous Vaccine Mandate that ignores Human Rights".

We strongly oppose "Evil Propaganda by the Mass Media for the above".

We strongly oppose the "Tyrannical Control of Information on the Internet by major IT companies".

I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr

These 13 Families Rule The World: The Shadow Forces Behind The NWO 141025

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia 220131

Western Crusader, if it is military or financial, has been controlled by Khazarian Mafia having central banks, medias. The control way is to "Divide and Rule" by their representatives and compradores.

Ukraine NeoNazi is actually trained and supported by US NeoCon and CIA.
They got Ukraine government after "Maidan Revolution" by US and is the cause both of continuing genocide to Russian peoples in east area for 8ys and of the Russian military action now.

The Ukrainian government has never implemented the Minsk II agreement that it signed years ago. If diplomacy ends in futility, the problem is to be solved by war.

Khazarian Zelensky was not willing to solve those genocide by Ukraine NeoNazi at all.

Putin says he will get rid of the Neo-Nazi in Ukraine. Putin's decision is right for Russia, despite Western condemnation and hardest economic sanctions targeting Russia.

Main stream media that promoted COVID-Crime is extremely guilty on this matter like ”Russia gate”.

The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World 140921

The Depopulation Agenda - Bill Gates Plan to Kill You 170218

Cancer cells rapidly double and spread after vaccination Dr. Ryan 220506

Unexplained acute hepatitis in children, the real culprit is the vaccine, Dr. McCullough 220506

Multiple Vaccines Suppress T Cells and Cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Dr. Robert Malone 220513 

Famous orangutan driving a golf cart 220128

Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' 211110

'Tyrant Trudeau': Canada PM criticised over bid to disperse 'Freedom Convoy' truckers 220215

[New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern] A World Where Crack Cocaine Addicts Rule the Country 2022/09/12

rispict 🇳🇿  220914

Finnish PM Sanna Marin parties hard at private event in leaked social media videos  220818

Help Me Turn The California Nightmare Back Into The California Dream 220329

Bush gives Saddam 48 hour ultimatum to attempt fraud Iraq War.

Madeleine Albright - The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it for Iraq's non existent WMD's

Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda

Retired General McInerney Says U.S. Helped Build #ISIS

Inside McCain's secret trip to Syria for ISIS always talking to him on the phone 130528

US special forces take out ISIS leader 220204

The Destruction of Libya in 2011

Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died

White House briefing with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan 220214

Azov Regiment On Ukraine Russia Frontline l Putin’s Denazification Goal Aimed At White Supremacists? 220307

To overthrow Putin, the US State Department created the Ukraine crisis. By Chris North 220330

Putin signs decrees recognizing two 'independent republics' in E Ukraine 220222

Donetsk: Ukraine moves 150,000 troops, rocket launchers, NATO arms to Donbass front line 220203

Chechen Special Forces Preparing To Head To Ukraine 220226

Children Living In Bombshelters Entire Lives. Russia - Ukraine War 220311

Mariupol, Ukraine Drama Theatre - What Really Happened ? 220317

Large-scale provocation: Akhmetov's friend Taruta was the first to write about the explosion of the Drama Theater 220316

Ukraine 2016 John McCain & Lindsey Graham Stirring up trouble

Real-life 'Donbass' evidence of the ongoing genocide by the Ukrainian military 220326

US and NATO allies arm neo-Nazi units in Ukraine as foreign policy elites yearn for Afghan-style insurgency 220322

Marianna Vyshemirskaya’s story - What really happened at the maternity hospital - Mariupol, Ukraine 220402

Boris Johnson and Zelensky walk around Kyiv 220410

Pentagon Biolaboratories - Investigative Documentary 180922

What Isn't Being Talked About 220305

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States, Victoria Nuland 220309

Joe Biden 1999. I was suggesting that we bomb Belgrade. 201015


Ukraine : éviter la Guerre mondiale 140418

Testimonies from those who were able to escape from "Mariupolis"220326

Mariupol Residents Accuse Ukraine Of Firing On Civilians 220416

Ukrainian War Crimes Protected by EU. Horrific Video shows Russian Bound Prisoner Murdered in the Street by Kiev Soldiers 220408


フランス人報道記者 アンヌ=ロール・ボネル 2022年3月 ウクライナ・ドンバスでの取材

フランス人報道記者 アンヌ=ロール・ボネル 2022年3月 ウクライナ・ドンバスでの取材




Ursula von der Leyen meets Zelensky in Kyiv 220407

Not necessary for India to join US or China-led axis, Europe must change its mindset: Jaishankar 220603

“An Inquiry Needs to Take Place”: Jeremy Corbyn on Afghanistan & Preventing the Next War 210827

‘War criminal’ Tony Blair knighted 220614

Collateral Murder? 100419

What Trump has said about Wikileaks 190412

Mexico's President AMLO demands freedom for Julian Assange, ‘best journalist of our time’ 220623

Western countries only 'succeeded in isolating themselves' 220616

Pitchforks soon in Europe? 220611

Multiple local news stations say the same thing verbatim180402

MSNBC Host Mika Brzezinski : It's Our Job to Control What People Think 170227

Lyudmila Denisova, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner Ombudsman for Human Rights 220517

Evacuees from Azovstari steel mill "uncut" interview with Russian UN Deputy Ambassador 220508

Germany criminalizes journalist for exposing Ukrainian war crimes 220713

Yuri Podolyaka

German Journalist Blows Whistle On How the CIA Controls The Media 141011

"The Clash of Civilizations and the Russian Philosophy of State" [Kan Ito's Serious Chat] 220625

New World Order 210323

Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum, Founder and Executive Chairman at Coronavirus Global Marathon 200505

A study of 700,000 Israelis showed that two vaccinations increased the likelihood of re-infection with coronavirus by 27 times, and three vaccinations were most likely to cause death 220311


Tedros was picked up by Bill Gates to get him in WHO that Gates financing mainly 200419

A #Washington la Von der Leyen riceve premio come miglior business leader con il Ceo #Pfizer #Bourla 211112 

Georgia Guidestones explosion video 220707

The assassination of former PM Abe, from the beginning to the end, six hours of investigating a suspicious figure on the roof of a building. 2200818 

It has become ruthless as if pus: for Japan's future (2) 220814

Party (LDP) Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi and other executives commented with tearful voices, "Big brother and teacher..." 220708

For your information, Senator Motegi is from CIA-Yomiuri. Who in the world could have changed the location of Abe's speech there the day before?

Assassination of former PM Abe, three shots, sniper fire matching the movement of the collar. 220816 

Message from PM Kishida regarding the third dose of the new corona vaccine 220126

WHO to establish new organization in Japan Agreed by the Prime Minister Kishida at the time of the Hiroshima Summit 220811

The EU Seeks to Sign Away Civil Rights to the WHO 220507

Burla.MP4 220605

Gravitas: Understanding Trump's Sustained Attacks On Iran 190507

Lindsey Graham BEGS Trump To Go To War With Iran 190918

US intelligence agencies warned of virus in Nov 2019 200409

Russian Defense Ministry Suggests Direct American Government Responsibility for the Emergence of Covid 220805

Trump Joins the Darkside on Live T.V. Analyzed by Alex Jones! 211222

China appeasing WHO Chief and Lancet Commission Chairman support the lab leak theory 220624 

US Must be Held Accountable for Spreading Coronavirus 220710

Finally, the British government admits that the corona vaccine can kill people! 220721

Tucker Carlson - Fauci and Birx Blow Your Mind 220728

Amidst the Corona uproar, African children were the healthiest... FLCCC Dr. Corey 220820

Scientist Dr Mikovits Jailed After Discovering a Deadly Virus Delivered Through Vaccines 200410

Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath  220111

Head Of The Lancet’s COVID-19 Investigation Is ‘Convinced’ It Came Out Of A Lab 220808

Is Pelosi Guilty Of Insider Trading? 220727

Economic Hitman Democracy Now ! Abe case = CIA jackal's assassination

Pro-Russian rebel leader and bodyguard killed by bomb the second they step inside café 181003 byMI6

Trump Orderd Terror Strike That Killed Top Iran Gen. Qasem Soleimani 200103

Biden apparently Ordered CIA to carry out some Terror Attacks, including "Abe Assassination".

Zelensky 'not all he's portrayed as' by Western media 220729

‘Cruel’: Russia blames Ukraine for killing Putin ally’s daughter; Zelensky fears escalation 220823 

Biden appears to shake hands with thin air and then wander confusingly 220417


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