STAVi;The Future of Personal Mobility
With elegant styling & innovative features the STAVi is the future of electric personal transport.
Grab the joystick and open up a world of possibilities!
The Future of Personal Mobility "STAVi".
I have to interview the relevant university professor. ①デザイン:Responsible for the project design
崇城大学 芸術学部デザイン学科 飯田晴彦准教授
"Mr Haruhiko Iida" Associate professor in the Department of Design at Sojo University. ②制御コンポーネント:Charge of the Control Components
熊本大学 大学院自然科学研究科 情報電気電子工学専攻 松永信智教授
"Mr Nobutomo Matsunaga" professor in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Kumamoto University.