

Rare Earth Metals (REMs) in My Life

2019-06-05 11:13:17 | 純粋な金属
One of the greatest (and most slept on) problems of the 21st Century is the dearth of rare earth metals (REMs) around the world, with much of it being concentrated in countries like China.

First, it makes sense to talk about what the REMs are. From a purely scientific standpoint, REMs are a group of 17 elements (the lanthanides and couple of other elements). As is typical with scientific names, the rare earth metals are not even that rare, with the majority of the trouble in finding high enough concentrations in the earth to make mining financially feasible. Ever since the emergence of the Information Age during the 21st Century (a.k.a. the Computer Age), REMs have been having an increasing impact on the world, with REMs being one of the main components of several important hi-tech products. Things like high-power magnets in our speakers that use neodymium, screens on smartphones that use yttrium, and catalytic converters that run the cars that we regularly drive that rely on cerium all ensure that we are constantly in contact with the life-altering REMs.

I first became interested in REMs in my chemistry class, where we watched a video about REMs and how much of an impact they are having in our development into the Information Age. They also touched upon how China is one of the leading producers of rare earth metals. In fact, recent estimates state that 95% of all rare earth minerals mined in the world come from China. The video talked about how China was cutting off the supply of rare earth metals to countries like Japan as a result of political differences, like control over the highly important South China Sea. As a result, the United States has looked into finding areas that they could mine their own rare earth elements to get reduce the impact of China’s current monopoly.

The rare earth minerals, such as machining molybdenum and tungsten heavy alloy, are at a junction between science and economics, two of the fields that are most interesting to me to explore during my college because of their clear impacts on our lives. Science dictates everything we see in the world, from the sun and the stars that are immensely large to the subatomic particles and quarks that are on the smallest levels of matter. Additionally, through economics, I would be able to understand not only things about money, but the nature of capitalism and the way that our world operates. Rare Earth minerals are important because they connect these two fields.

Rare earth minerals will have clear, positive impacts on people. For one, with greater technological development and innovations, we can expect better technology and products in order to make our world function better. Additionally, because the United States is looking for ways to produce and mine rare earth elements, it will create jobs in the future, both in the mining and refinement industry, as well as in material science/engineering jobs to increase efficiency. These will surely impact my life as I look towards my future college major and career.
For more information, please visit http://www.samaterials.com/

How To Select Platinum Crucibles

2019-01-31 14:13:17 | 純粋な金属
The laboratory vessels are expected to be used in the operations like calculations and melting. So before selecting a vessel, you should be very careful about some features of the vessels those are mandatory. The vessel should possess qualities like high-temperature strength, high melting point, oxidation resistance in air and oxygen, ductility and corrosion resistance ability.

Platinum is highly rarely available material, having a melting point of 1772 Celsius. The main benefit of using the material is that it has outstanding resistance to chemical attack.
Often it has been observed that if platinum is mixed with other material it can be more useful in certain ways. Platinum combined with five percent of gold will provide you greater temperature strength as compared to pure Platinum. Thus it is widely accepted as the best-suited material for the manufacture of crucible, thermal couple wire and casting molds. Sometimes platinum mixed with rhodium for the best result. These alloys provide superior hardness and greater strength than other platinum alloys to make them adjustable in more aggressive conditions. When platinum mixed with iridium content, the mechanical potency and thermal corrosion resistance power also increases with greater iridium content. However, care should be taken off the iridium as it suffers greater weight loss if open to the oxidizing atmospheres. Iridium is an outstanding material with extreme corrosion resistance and greater temperature strength as well as the melting point makes it the chosen material for an inert atmosphere oxide melts.

There are some Fusion Agents that can affect the rare material platinum in its smooth functioning. So be careful if you come across any of these materials. Just have knowledge how this material behalves and act accordingly. When platinum combined with Alkali fluorides, it has been seen that the loss of weight of platinum is very insignificant. If it comes with the contact of Alkali chlorides or alkali earth chlorides, they can attack the material with a1000EC temperature in the presence of air. As a result, it will release chlorine from the fused salt. If combined with Alkali Bisulfates, it can harm the material in slightly above 700EC. However, you can reduce the effect by adding ammonium sulfate.

So it is advisable that do not heat the materials of the unknown combination. There are some material if heated in platinum crucibles may cause the vessel to become brittle. The materials are arsenic, antimony, lead, selenium, phosphorus, tellurium and zinc. The material like all base metals including gold and silver will dissolve platinum when in their molten state.

It is very important to heat platinum crucibles always in an oxidizing atmosphere. And care should be taken to hold them in with the help of platinum-tipped tools only. Make sure that platinum should not be heated with another platinum material it may cause a weld of both the vessel. It is better to avoid a smoky flame. Carbon may cause it damage.

For more information about Platinum crucibles and other advanced materials, please visit http://www.samaterials.com/

What is Tungsten Alloyed With?

2018-11-01 15:50:38 | 純粋な金属
Tungsten heavy alloys, also called WHAs, Virtually all commercial WHAs are two-phase materials, with the principal phase being nearly pure tungsten in association with a binder phase containing transition metals plus dissolved tungsten.
WHA provides a very high density, as is apparent when compared to other metals, as shown in the table as follows:

WHAs was once referred to as “tungsten heavy metals,” but that nomenclature has been largely abandoned so as to avoid confusion with toxic heavy metals such as Pb, Hg, and others with which WHAs have no relation. While the primary selection is made on the basis of very high density, WHA provides tungsten alloy manufacturers a unique set of associated engineering benefits which includes:
• Low toxicity, low reactivity surface character
• Ability to be custom manufactured in a wide range of sizes and shapes
• Readily recycled for economy and environmental friendliness.
• Strength comparable to many medium carbon steels
• Ability to be machined with common shop tools and techniques
• High elastic stiffness
• Low CTE in combination with relatively high thermal conductivity

Due to these characteristics, as an ideal material, WHA is widely used for new mass property applications as well as the replacement of Pb or U in existing applications.

As a consequence, WHAs display a unique property set derived from both components — their fundamental properties resulting from those of the principal tungsten phase. The selection of a WHA for a given application is typically made on the basis of very high density — whether gravimetric or radiographic.

Tungsten heavy alloys are distinctly different from related materials such as pure tungsten metal and cemented carbides (most commonly WC-Co). Only very rarely could one material be used as a substitute for another. WHA provides many of the properties of pure W, yet in a form that provides:
• Lower fabrication cost due to the reduced sintering temperature,
• A greater range of both size and shape can be manufactured due to full density attainment via liquid phase sintering (LPS) as opposed to final densification by post-sinter thermomechanical processing,
• Generally improved machinability,
• Preservation of desirable properties of pure tungsten.

Tungsten heavy alloys are not related to “tungsten (T grade) steels.” In difference to pure W however, tungsten heavy alloys are not high temperature materials. Elevated temperature properties of WHA are strongly influenced by the lower melting temperature binder phase.
For more information, please visit http://www.samaterials.com/

The Fourth Generation Light Source -LED

2018-08-10 16:23:33 | 純粋な金属
LED is called the fourth generation light source, with energy-saving, environmental protection, safety, long life (up to 100,000 hours), low power consumption, low heat, high brightness, waterproof, miniature, shock-proof, easy dimming, beam concentration, easy maintenance and other characteristics. It meets the requirements of energy saving, green and efficient era. It can be widely used in various fields such as indication, display, decoration, backlight, general lighting and so on.

LED is essentially a PN junction, through the P region hole and N region electron compound to produce photons, electrical energy directly converted to light energy, is a cold light source. But the traditional incandescent lamp is the electric heating filament, the electric energy transforms into the thermal energy, then transforms from the thermal energy to the light energy. So the efficiency of LED is much higher than that of incandescent lamps.

The LED industry chain includes upstream epitaxial manufacturing, midstream chip preparation, electrode fabrication, cutting and test sorting, downstream product packaging. Epitaxial films are in the upper reaches of the industry, including three major fields: raw materials, substrate materials and equipment. Epitaxial film growth is the highest technology content of lighting industry, and has the greatest impact on the final product quality and cost control.

Most of the LED epitaxial wafers are III-V compound semiconductor single crystals, such as gallium arsenide, aluminum nitride, gallium nitride, gallium phosphide, gallium arsenide phosphide, phosphorus compounds (blue-green light), aluminum calcium indium nitrogen (quaternary LED, red-yellow light), and other single crystals. The raw materials used to prepare these single crystals include indium, high-purity gallium, organometallic gallium, aluminum, etc. Epitaxial growth depends mainly on growth technology and equipment. The main method of fabricating epitaxial wafers is metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), which is very difficult to fabricate.

The substrate material is the basis of LED illumination and epitaxial growth. Different substrate materials need different epitaxial growth technology, which affects chip processing and device packaging. Therefore, the technical route of substrate materials will affect the technical route of the entire industry, which is the key of each technical link. At present, Al2O3 (sapphire), SiC, Si, GaN, GaAs, ZnO, ZnSe and so on can be used as substrate materials, but the most widely used commercial Al2O3 (sapphire) and SiC.

Stanford Advanced Materials
provides high-purity organometallic compounds for epilayers, substrate materials, photoresist for chip fabrication, high-temperature molybdenum, tungsten drying pots and furnace assemblies and fixtures in MOCVD processes (these high-temperature materials have high thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, up to 2000 degrees Celsius). It has the characteristics of low thermal expansion coefficient, high strength and stability, and epoxy resin for chip packaging.

What is Tantalum Organic Complex Compound

2018-04-10 16:30:29 | 純粋な金属
The most important of tantalate is potassium and sodium salts.
Potassium tantalate has K 2O:Ta2O 5 from 3:7 to 10:3. The most common stable tantalate is potassium tantalate (K2O.Ta 2O 5); six potassium tantalate (4K2O.3Ta 2O 5). Tantalum potassium salt is soluble in water, but partial salt solubility is smaller, KTaO 3 at 25 DEG C when the solubility is 4.87 * 10-5mol/L.

Sodium tantalate has Na 2O:Ta2O 5 as 4:3, 7:5, 1:1, 1:3 and 2:7, such as NaTaO 3, Na 5TaO 5, 4Na 2O. It is 5. yuan. The solubility of sodium in water and caustic soda solution is very small, the solubility of 25 C NaTaO 3 salt is 5.5 * 10-5mol/L.

Tantalum organic complex compound

The tantalum complex is mainly tannic acid, its color is lemon yellow, and it is precipitated from weak acidic solution (pH=3~4) after boiling.

Tantalum alkoxide

Tantalum alkoxide quinquevalent is highly volatile, these alkoxides can be without distillation under the pressure of 6.67~1333Pa. The boiling point of tantalol is influenced by the length of the chain.

For more information, please visit http://www.samaterials.com/tantalum-compounds/23-tantalum-oxide.html