
Super Hole Cosmology

2010-02-08 19:48:22 | 日記
supernova became Visualization fusioned (black hole and white hole) with Dimension 90 angle.

spiral Vector against giro electric power changed gvavity power.

gravity and anti gravity pair stand Spinning Event Horizon with Dimension 90 angle Flare.

point dimension, C=1sec=300000km energy.

bar dimension 2rx3.14

square dimension rrx3.14

must division.

Bottom is Crrx3.14 cone angle = time bar

(4) dimension 12rrr3.14/h

(5) dimension 36rrrr3.14/hh is non sense

space side called giro black hole

time side called giro white hole

space and time fusion 90 dimension angle called super hole

acceraion system like LHC add energy = gravity

lost energy like core of star system = anti gvavity

it can control 2 time spin circle dimension and 1 space bar dimension

time giro ( Low temperature vacuum stop) timetron Laser can move time dimension and

space giro(High temperature Density speed) graviton Laser can move space dimension

low angle = time advances

high angle = time back

zero angle = cosmos create

max angle = cosmos end

core of dimension = anti gravity

face of dimension = gravity

gravity mirror change it easy

timetron Laser = Over light speed drive

graviton Laser = travel to pass time

if go to b-3 = lost b-2 = arrive b2-a3

time is plus on point space is minus on field

1x1x1 x1x1x6 9x9x9 x9x9x6

300000km x86400sec/(6000kmx3.14)=137x10^8 spin

earth in field spin 137x10^8 par sec

field is not have gravity cone have Weight.

6x10^24x15x10^7x2x(3.14/(86400x365))^2kg = 137x10^8x365 light spin

it score call 1 SUN

137x10^8 light electron spin = 1sec =30x10^5km

Gravitational filed = 1sun/(137x10^8x365)kg =100% spin

go to pass time 1>16 lost in 1 chance

go to future 16>1 create in 1 chance

minimum size = light spin r = called (1 oka)

360 angle = 6 world Interpretation = 2x3.14 = 60 angle

3.14rr field and C high 12.56ccc Volume

180 angle = 3 world Interpretation = 3.14 =60 angle

C high Bottom 6.28C spin bottom r 3C Volume 9x3.14ccc

time circle r = C or 3C 137x10^8 spin /sec add C high

cosmos r =1Csec or 3Csec

think of spin 30x10^15x137x10^8x(9x3.14 or 3.14)

time is (top) look up and side = gravity force

mass 4x3.14x9x10^15 light kg Longevity 180x10^4 light sec

or 9x3.14 x9x10^15 light kg Lonngevity 120x10^4 light sec

30x10^4km/oka=10x10^9/oka K = 1oka-137x10^8oka Density

30x10^5km=1sec=60 angle=137x10^8 light spin

time 1 x space 1 world can go to pass time very easy( light spin stop)

you must look LHC shadow !