

3月26日(月)のつぶやき その2

2012-03-27 02:49:09 | Music Jazz
02:20 from FriendFeed
Blues March - Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers: Bobby Timmons, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan wp.me/p5WVp-ZC ff.im/-Tv7Yw

02:20 from twitterfeed
Blues March ? Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers: Bobby Timmons, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan: <![CDATA[//><!]]&gt;... bit.ly/H1PkH8

02:20 from FriendFeed
Blues March ? Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers: Bobby Timmons, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan:... ff.im/-Tv7ZO

02:20 from dlvr.it
Blues March ? Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers: Bobby Timmons, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan dlvr.it/1MJXg6

02:20 from FriendFeed
Blues March ? Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers: Bobby Timmons, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan dlvr.it/1MJXg6 ff.im/-Tv878

02:21 from FriendFeed
Blues March - Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers: Bobby Timmons, Wayne Shorter, Lee Morgan ff.im/-Tv8ff

02:27 from Tweet Button
年金消失のAIJが57兆円のデリバティブ取引 5.tvasahi.jp/220225013?a=ne…

02:27 from FriendFeed
年金消失のAIJが57兆円のデリバティブ取引 5.tvasahi.jp/220225013?a=ne… ff.im/-Tv8Rr

02:29 from Tweet Button
「1次評価のみ納得できず」大飯原発「妥当」評価に専門家批判(2): youtu.be/l2XPQkM5bgs via @youtube

02:30 from Google
@YouTube 動画を高く評価しました youtu.be/l2XPQkM5bgs?a 「1次評価のみ納得できず」大飯原発「妥当」評価に専門家批判(2)

02:31 from FriendFeed
「1次評価のみ納得できず」大飯原発「妥当」評価に専門家批判(2): youtu.be/l2XPQkM5bgs via @youtube ff.im/-Tv95A

02:53 from PhotoZZ
Travel #Photography Inspiration Project: Vietnam - photozz.com/?23ms

02:53 from FriendFeed
Travel #Photography Inspiration Project: Vietnam - photozz.com/?23ms ff.im/-TvbIJ

03:46 from Tweet Button
極道の妻たち 決着 gyao.yahoo.co.jp/player/00740/v… #GyaO

03:47 from FriendFeed
極道の妻たち 決着 gyao.yahoo.co.jp/player/00740/v… #GyaO ff.im/-TvheB

04:55 from PhotoZZ
In your bag #100 13 Charlie Kirk aka Two Cute Dogs - photozz.com/?2wls

04:55 from FriendFeed
In your bag #100 13 Charlie Kirk aka Two Cute Dogs - photozz.com/?2wls ff.im/-Tvojo

06:55 from PhotoZZ
Hipstamatic 250, easily shares your HipstaPrints directly to Instagram - photozz.com/?2x7s

06:55 from FriendFeed
Hipstamatic 250, easily shares your HipstaPrints directly to Instagram - photozz.com/?2x7s ff.im/-TvATm

08:57 from PhotoZZ
Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective #Photography. Part 2 - photozz.com/?2jms

08:57 from FriendFeed
Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective #Photography. Part 2 - photozz.com/?2jms ff.im/-TvMUg

10:57 from PhotoZZ
Upcoming Classes - photozz.com/?2lms

11:00 from FriendFeed
Upcoming Classes - photozz.com/?2lms ff.im/-TvXPM

12:57 from PhotoZZ
Beautiful Belize - photozz.com/?2pyr

12:57 from FriendFeed
Beautiful Belize - photozz.com/?2pyr ff.im/-Tw8pq

by realtime24 on Twitter


