

3月25日(日)のつぶやき その4

2012-03-26 02:48:20 | Music Jazz
17:26 from Tweet Button
米裁判所、円周率から作ったメロディーに著作権は認められないと裁定 | スラッシュドット・ジャパン YRO yro.slashdot.jp/story/12/03/24…

17:27 from FriendFeed
米裁判所、円周率から作ったメロディーに著作権は認められないと裁定 | スラッシュドット・ジャパン YRO yro.slashdot.jp/story/12/03/24… ff.im/-TujQx

18:42 from Twittascope
Even your closest friends might not realize how easy it is for... More for Capricorn bit.ly/A5KmeJ

18:43 from FriendFeed
Even your closest friends might not realize how easy it is for... More for Capricorn bit.ly/A5KmeJ ff.im/-TupZ0

18:53 from PhotoZZ
I am Second by Michael de Guzman - photozz.com/?2jgs

18:55 from FriendFeed
I am Second by Michael de Guzman - photozz.com/?2jgs ff.im/-TuqOP

20:40 from Tweet Button
黒人少年射殺の白人自警団長、釈放が波紋 米で抗議デモ t.asahi.com/60u4

20:40 from FriendFeed
黒人少年射殺の白人自警団長、釈放が波紋 米で抗議デモ t.asahi.com/60u4 ff.im/-TuzKL

20:46 from Tumblr
Video: The Old Country - Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Br… Follow my videos on vodpod tmblr.co/ZDWNbyIXRfTf

20:46 from FriendFeed
Video: The Old Country - Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Br… Follow my videos on vodpod tmblr.co/ZDWNbyIXRfTf ff.im/-TuAdA

20:46 from twitterfeed
The Old Country ? Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant: <![CDATA[//><!]]&gt;The Old Country ? Akira Ohmori featu... bit.ly/H0gKhQ

20:46 from WordPress.com
The Old Country - Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant wp.me/p5WVp-Zy

20:46 from FriendFeed
The Old Country ? Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant: <![CDATA[//><!]]&gt; The Old Country ? Akira Ohmori... ff.im/-TuAdC

20:46 from FriendFeed
The Old Country - Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant wp.me/p5WVp-Zy ff.im/-TuAdD

20:46 from FriendFeed
The Old Country - Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant ff.im/-TuAdE

20:50 from dlvr.it
The Old Country ? Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant dlvr.it/1MGDN0

20:50 from FriendFeed
The Old Country ? Akira Ohmori featuring Ray Bryant dlvr.it/1MGDN0 ff.im/-TuAmv

20:53 from PhotoZZ
How to set up your DSLR for video recording - photozz.com/?2nls

20:53 from FriendFeed
How to set up your DSLR for video recording - photozz.com/?2nls ff.im/-TuAPY

22:53 from PhotoZZ
In pictures: Inspirational #photography from around the world - photozz.com/?2mls

22:55 from FriendFeed
In pictures: Inspirational #photography from around the world - photozz.com/?2mls ff.im/-TuM1Q

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