

7月23日(月)のつぶやき その2

2012-07-24 02:38:39 | Music Jazz
02:13 from FriendFeed
Michael Gregorio - Medley Imitations - Live - Les Années Bonheur - Patrick Sébastien ff.im/-119ByA

02:13 from FriendFeed
5 things you should know about compact flashguns ff.im/-119Byx

02:13 from FriendFeed
This Guy has a Guitar in his Mouth ff.im/-119Byz

03:06 from PhotoZZ
POLK STREET: Lives in Transition - photozz.com/?3gt3

03:49 from FriendFeed
POLK STREET: Lives in Transition ff.im/-119QJT

05:06 from PhotoZZ
Find, Shoot and Share your locations with ShootLocal - http://www.photozz.com/?3rt3

05:24 from FriendFeed
Find, Shoot and Share your locations with ShootLocal ff.im/-11a4XY

07:08 from PhotoZZ
POLL: Do You Shoot in RAW? - photozz.com/?3vt3

08:28 from FriendFeed
7月22日(日)のつぶやき その4 - ようこそ落書きBLOGへ ff.im/-11auTB

08:28 from FriendFeed
POLL: Do You Shoot in RAW? ff.im/-11auTF

08:57 from Buffer
[ウェブサービスレビュー]短縮URLを復元して安全性を評価する「Unshorten.It!」 - CNET Japan bit.ly/MtWDfc

09:10 from PhotoZZ
Photography Charity: Flashes of Hope - photozz.com/?3xt3

09:57 from Paper.li
The realtime24 Daily is out! bit.ly/hmlFjU

09:59 from FriendFeed
Photography Charity: Flashes of Hope ff.im/-11aHxZ

09:59 from FriendFeed
[ウェブサービスレビュー]短縮URLを復元して安全性を評価する「Unshorten.It!」 - CNET Japan ff.im/-11aHxW

11:12 from PhotoZZ
The Konica Recorder 13 Half frame magic - photozz.com/?32u3

11:32 from FriendFeed
The Konica Recorder ? Half frame magic ff.im/-11aUr5

12:07 from Buffer
「アノニマス」が個人情報を盗んでいた可能性も――予告あっても阻止できない日本週刊金曜日日本を標的 gikou89 bit.ly/OQdQf0

13:12 from PhotoZZ
Life Under the Microscope - photozz.com/?3fu3

14:38 from FriendFeed
Life Under the Microscope ff.im/-11bkzp

15:14 from PhotoZZ
Adding Dew Drops to Enhance Macro Nature #Photography - photozz.com/?3ku3

16:15 from FriendFeed
Adding Dew Drops to Enhance Macro Nature Photography ff.im/-11bxv7

16:48 from Buffer
自分のお気に入りの動画/音楽を集めたプレイリストを共有できるサイト「Youtify」*二十歳街道まっしぐら bit.ly/OQBVGk

17:16 from PhotoZZ
Nikon #photo of the day 23 July - photozz.com/?3nu3

17:50 from FriendFeed
Nikon photo of the day 23 July ff.im/-11bLWS

by realtime24 on Twitter


