

6月28日(木)のつぶやき その2

2012-06-29 02:54:37 | Music Jazz
05:46 from PhotoZZ
Who 19s Gonna Pay For This Stuff? - photozz.com/?3x42

06:25 from FriendFeed
Who’s Gonna Pay For This Stuff? ff.im/-ZyRRo

06:25 from FriendFeed
The First Instagram Update Of The Facebook Era Brings Only Minor Tweaks ff.im/-ZyRRr

06:25 from FriendFeed
小沢系43人、会派離脱願提出へ…首相揺さぶり : 政治 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) ff.im/-ZyRRp

07:46 from PhotoZZ
Inkjet Papers That Will Give Your #Photos Pizzazz - photozz.com/?3a32

08:23 from FriendFeed
6月27日(水)のつぶやき その4 - ようこそ落書きBLOGへ ff.im/-ZzdUa

08:23 from FriendFeed
Inkjet Papers That Will Give Your Photos Pizzazz ff.im/-ZzdUb

09:48 from PhotoZZ
Calling All NYIP Alumni: We 19re About to Make You Very Happy - photozz.com/?3a52

09:55 from Paper.li
The realtime24 Daily is out! bit.ly/hmlFjU

10:18 from FriendFeed
Calling All NYIP Alumni: We’re About to Make You Very Happy ff.im/-Zzx9m

11:50 from PhotoZZ
How To Start A #Photography Business Without Wasting Money - photozz.com/?3h52

13:14 from FriendFeed
How To Start A Photography Business Without Wasting Money ff.im/-ZzZQ8

13:28 from bitly
国際ハッカー:「霞ケ浦」と「霞が関」 勘違いし攻撃か- 毎日jp(毎日新聞) bit.ly/KEPZy2

13:32 from Hatena
“グーグル、iOS向けに「すごい」地図アプリを提供へ | ガジェット速報” htn.to/4WcwHb

13:52 from PhotoZZ
Flash #Photography Tips and Tricks with Dust - photozz.com/?3u52

14:12 from FriendFeed
国際ハッカー:「霞ケ浦」と「霞が関」 勘違いし攻撃か- 毎日jp(毎日新聞) ff.im/-ZA86T

14:12 from FriendFeed
グーグル、iOS向けに「すごい」地図アプリを提供へ | ガジェット速報 ff.im/-ZA86U

15:13 from FriendFeed
Flash Photography Tips and Tricks with Dust ff.im/-ZAgS1

15:52 from PhotoZZ
Amazing Bursting Colorful Balloons #Photographs by Edward Horsford - photozz.com/?3962

16:11 from FriendFeed
Amazing Bursting Colorful Balloons Photographs by Edward Horsford ff.im/-ZAq6a

17:54 from PhotoZZ
Imagine Trying to Organize 116 Celebrities for a Group #Photo - photozz.com/?3662

18:37 from Twittascope
It's hard to understand the motives of your friends today sinc... More for Capricorn bit.ly/A5KmeJ

18:49 from bitly
焦点:英国で広がるEU離脱論議、実現なら影響力失い孤立か | Reuters bit.ly/LEYy20

18:54 from Tweet Button
twitterで住民税に対する阿鼻叫喚が発生中!ありがとう民主党!!!:ハムスター速報 hamusoku.com/archives/72160…

19:00 from bitly
袴田死刑囚の精神鑑定へ 認知症の疑い 東京家裁、成年後見審判で - MSN産経ニュース bit.ly/LEZTFT

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