

4月8日(日)のつぶやき その5

2012-04-09 02:52:19 | Music Jazz
18:41 from Twittascope
Your day may be tightly scheduled without much breathing room.... More for Capricorn bit.ly/A5KmeJ

18:43 from FriendFeed
Your day may be tightly scheduled without much breathing room.... More for Capricorn bit.ly/A5KmeJ ff.im/-Ume2v

18:50 from FriendFeed
NEWSポストセブン|葬儀料金 値切ると料理はカッパ巻きの寿司ばかりになり後悔 news-postseven.com/archives/20120… ff.im/-Um8rr ff.im/-UmfaY

18:50 from FriendFeed
スマホ+音声+位置連動の新しい放送局「WALLOP(ワロップ)」知ってますか? | キャリア | マイナビニュース ff.im/-UmfaZ

18:50 from FriendFeed
NEWSポストセブン|葬儀料金 値切ると料理はカッパ巻きの寿司ばかりになり後悔 ff.im/-Umfb0

18:50 from FriendFeed
持って歩くだけで行動日記が自動的に作られるiPhoneアプリ「自動日記 SNS Edition」 pbweb.jp/news/2012/04/0… @pbweb_jpから ff.im/-Umdpf ff.im/-Umfb2

18:50 from FriendFeed
スマホ+音声+位置連動の新しい放送局「WALLOP(ワロップ)」知ってますか? | キャリア | マイナビニュース ff.im/-Umfb1

20:05 from web
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/7qud3gr

20:10 from PhotoZZ
Vietnam - photozz.com/?2mbu

21:38 from web
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/buhr2gj

22:10 from PhotoZZ
Make a stop-motion animation using your DSLR and #Photoshop - photozz.com/?2jbu

23:13 from web
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/bqewdbf

23:24 from FriendFeed
Make a stop-motion animation using your DSLR and Photoshop ff.im/-UmWcN

by realtime24 on Twitter

4月8日(日)のつぶやき その4

2012-04-09 02:52:18 | Music Jazz
16:38 from FriendFeed
Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week ff.im/-UlWUi

16:38 from FriendFeed
Top 10 #Twitter Pics of the Week - photozz.com/?2bbu ff.im/-UlSVC ff.im/-UlWUk

16:38 from FriendFeed
Warning ff.im/-UlWUc

16:38 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: Top 10 #Twitter Pics of th ... ff.im/-UlWUd

16:38 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: are you serious about star ... ff.im/-UlWUb

16:38 from FriendFeed
Top 10 Twitter Pics of the Week ff.im/-UlWUh

16:58 from web
want to start a real internet biz this year? you must check this out - tinyurl.com/7xcnph6

17:00 from FriendFeed
want to start a real internet biz this year? you must check this out - tinyurl.com/7xcnph6 ff.im/-UlZRv

17:37 from Tweet Button
Google Chrome、日曜日だけ世界シェア1位に | スラッシュドット・ジャパン IT it.slashdot.jp/story/12/04/07…

17:37 from FriendFeed
Google Chrome、日曜日だけ世界シェア1位に | スラッシュドット・ジャパン IT it.slashdot.jp/story/12/04/07… ff.im/-Um59o

17:43 from FriendFeed
Google Chrome、日曜日だけ世界シェア1位に | スラッシュドット・ジャパン IT it.slashdot.jp/story/12/04/07… ff.im/-Um59o ff.im/-Um5V4

17:43 from FriendFeed
Google Chrome、日曜日だけ世界シェア1位に | スラッシュドット・ジャパン IT ff.im/-Um5UZ

17:43 from FriendFeed
want to start a real internet biz this year? you must check this out - tinyurl.com/7xcnph6 ff.im/-UlZRv ff.im/-Um5V6

17:43 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: want to start a real inter ... ff.im/-Um5Vi

17:43 from FriendFeed
Warning ff.im/-Um5Vf

18:03 from Tweet Button
NEWSポストセブン|葬儀料金 値切ると料理はカッパ巻きの寿司ばかりになり後悔 news-postseven.com/archives/20120…

18:04 from FriendFeed
NEWSポストセブン|葬儀料金 値切ると料理はカッパ巻きの寿司ばかりになり後悔 news-postseven.com/archives/20120… ff.im/-Um8rr

18:10 from PhotoZZ
[Pics] One-Hour Exposures of Alpine Nightscapes - photozz.com/?2ebu

18:10 from FriendFeed
[Pics] One-Hour Exposures of Alpine Nightscapes - photozz.com/?2ebu ff.im/-Um9BO

18:11 from Twitter for Android
#mynavinews スマホ+音声+位置連動の新しい放送局「WALLOP(ワロップ)」知ってますか? news.mynavi.jp/c_cobs/news/cl…

18:11 from FriendFeed
#mynavinews スマホ+音声+位置連動の新しい放送局「WALLOP(ワロップ)」知ってますか? news.mynavi.jp/c_cobs/news/cl… ff.im/-Um9C4

18:32 from web
want to start a real internet biz this year? you must check this out - tinyurl.com/6ouafhk

18:32 from FriendFeed
want to start a real internet biz this year? you must check this out - tinyurl.com/6ouafhk ff.im/-UmcAC

18:37 from Twitter for Android
持って歩くだけで行動日記が自動的に作られるiPhoneアプリ「自動日記 SNS Edition」 pbweb.jp/news/2012/04/0… @pbweb_jpから

18:37 from FriendFeed
持って歩くだけで行動日記が自動的に作られるiPhoneアプリ「自動日記 SNS Edition」 pbweb.jp/news/2012/04/0… @pbweb_jpから ff.im/-Umdpf

by realtime24 on Twitter

4月8日(日)のつぶやき その3

2012-04-09 02:52:17 | Music Jazz
12:10 from FriendFeed
Home. And Back. - photozz.com/?2qau ff.im/-Ulnb6

12:16 from FriendFeed
Home. And Back. ff.im/-UlnHJ

12:16 from FriendFeed
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/bq58em4... ff.im/-UlnHI

12:16 from FriendFeed
Home. And Back. - photozz.com/?2qau ff.im/-Ulnb6 ff.im/-UlnHH

13:19 from FriendFeed
Home. And Back. ff.im/-Ulw9t

13:19 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: are you serious about star ... ff.im/-Ulw9v

13:19 from FriendFeed
Warning ff.im/-Ulw9s

13:19 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: Home. And Back. - http://t ... ff.im/-Ulw9u

13:58 from web
want to start your own business in 2012? look at this - tinyurl.com/7awsat6

13:58 from FriendFeed
want to start your own business in 2012? look at this - tinyurl.com/7awsat6 ff.im/-UlAPq

14:10 from PhotoZZ
[BTSV] Blast from the Past: Creating a Nat Geo Cover in the Studio - photozz.com/?2uau

14:11 from FriendFeed
[BTSV] Blast from the Past: Creating a Nat Geo Cover in the Studio - photozz.com/?2uau ff.im/-UlCAu

14:26 from FriendFeed
Warning ff.im/-UlEFs

14:26 from FriendFeed
Warning ff.im/-UlEFr

14:26 from FriendFeed
[BTSV] Blast from the Past: Creating a Nat Geo Cover in the Studio ff.im/-UlEFw

14:26 from FriendFeed
[BTSV] Blast from the Past: Creating a Nat Geo Cover in the Studio - photozz.com/?2uau ff.im/-UlCAu ff.im/-UlEFv

14:26 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: want to start your own bus ... ff.im/-UlEFu

14:26 from FriendFeed
want to start your own business in 2012? look at this - tinyurl.com/7awsat6 ff.im/-UlAPq ff.im/-UlEFt

15:29 from web
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/btp28kr

15:29 from FriendFeed
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/btp28kr ff.im/-UlMVH

15:32 from FriendFeed
[BTSV] Blast from the Past: Creating a Nat Geo Cover in the Studio ff.im/-UlNgW

15:32 from FriendFeed
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/btp28kr... ff.im/-UlNho

15:32 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: [BTSV] Blast from the Past ... ff.im/-UlNhe

16:10 from PhotoZZ
Top 10 #Twitter Pics of the Week - photozz.com/?2bbu

16:11 from FriendFeed
Top 10 #Twitter Pics of the Week - photozz.com/?2bbu ff.im/-UlSVC

by realtime24 on Twitter

4月8日(日)のつぶやき その2

2012-04-09 02:52:16 | Music Jazz
08:11 from PhotoZZ
Silhouette : Northern Ireland 2012 - photozz.com/?2cau

08:11 from FriendFeed
Silhouette : Northern Ireland 2012 - photozz.com/?2cau ff.im/-UkQwy

09:05 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: Silhouette : Northern Irel ... ff.im/-UkYtF

09:05 from FriendFeed
「高齢者はガムを噛むと記憶力アップする」と歯科大学が解明 #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/column_g/… ff.im/-UkPug ff.im/-UkYtH

09:05 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: 「高齢者はガムを噛むと記憶力アップする」と歯科大学が ... ff.im/-UkYtD

09:05 from FriendFeed
Silhouette : Northern Ireland 2012 ff.im/-UkYtG

09:05 from FriendFeed
「高齢者はガムを噛むと記憶力アップする」と歯科大学が解明(NEWSポストセブン) - エキサイトニュース ff.im/-UkYtE

09:05 from FriendFeed
Silhouette : Northern Ireland 2012 - photozz.com/?2cau ff.im/-UkQwy ff.im/-UkYtB

09:05 from FriendFeed
Silhouette : Northern Ireland 2012 ff.im/-UkYtC

09:05 from FriendFeed
「高齢者はガムを噛むと記憶力アップする」と歯科大学が解明(NEWSポストセブン) - エキサイトニュース ff.im/-UkYtA

09:48 from web
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/cghjos6

09:48 from FriendFeed
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/cghjos6 ff.im/-Ul4lQ

10:07 from FriendFeed
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/cghjos6... ff.im/-Ul6UY

10:10 from PhotoZZ
Dial M for 26? Your exposure modes exposed - photozz.com/?2jau

10:11 from FriendFeed
Dial M for 26? Your exposure modes exposed - photozz.com/?2jau ff.im/-Ul75q

11:11 from FriendFeed
Dial M for 26? Your exposure modes exposed - photozz.com/?2jau ff.im/-Ul75q ff.im/-Ulfvv

11:11 from FriendFeed
Dial M for…? Your exposure modes exposed ff.im/-Ulfvw

11:11 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: Dial M for 26? Your exposu ... ff.im/-Ulfvt

11:11 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: Dial M for 26? Your exposu ... ff.im/-Ulfvs

11:11 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: are you serious about star ... ff.im/-Ulfvx

11:11 from FriendFeed
Warning ff.im/-Ulfvy

11:11 from FriendFeed
Dial M for…? Your exposure modes exposed ff.im/-Ulfvu

12:04 from web
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/bq58em4

12:04 from FriendFeed
are you serious about starting your own business in 2012? you have to check this out - tinyurl.com/bq58em4 ff.im/-Ulm9M

12:10 from PhotoZZ
Home. And Back. - photozz.com/?2qau

by realtime24 on Twitter

4月8日(日)のつぶやき その1

2012-04-09 02:52:15 | Music Jazz
00:10 from PhotoZZ
Photoshopped Image Of Russian Patriarchate - photozz.com/?289u

00:25 from web
want to start your own business in 2012? look at this - tinyurl.com/7k3ugex

00:28 from SeesaaBlog

00:32 from Hatena
[Twitter][まとめ]2012年04月07日のツイート htn.to/nJ7AZh

02:11 from PhotoZZ
30 Very Delicious Examples of Food #Photos That Will Make You Drool - photozz.com/?2e9u

02:52 from web
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/cb99re8

04:10 from PhotoZZ
10 Awesome Pictures from Vova Parasiuk - photozz.com/?2bau

04:12 from FriendFeed
10 Awesome Pictures from Vova Parasiuk - photozz.com/?2bau ff.im/-Ukfbr

04:51 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: 10 Awesome Pictures from V ... ff.im/-UklCv

04:51 from FriendFeed
10 Awesome Pictures from Vova Parasiuk - photozz.com/?2bau ff.im/-Ukfbr ff.im/-UklCn

04:51 from FriendFeed
10 Awesome Pictures from Vova Parasiuk ff.im/-UklCJ

04:51 from FriendFeed
10 Awesome Pictures from Vova Parasiuk ff.im/-UklCy

05:10 from web
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/buob8oe

05:10 from FriendFeed
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/buob8oe ff.im/-UkoIG

05:54 from FriendFeed
serious about starting your own biz this year? check this out - tinyurl.com/buob8oe ff.im/-UkoIG ff.im/-UkvG0

06:10 from PhotoZZ
40 Elegant Examples of River #Photography - photozz.com/?2aau

06:10 from FriendFeed
40 Elegant Examples of River #Photography - photozz.com/?2aau ff.im/-Ukyo6

06:58 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: 40 Elegant Examples of Ri ... ff.im/-UkFwd

06:58 from FriendFeed
40 Elegant Examples of River #Photography - photozz.com/?2aau ff.im/-Ukyo6 ff.im/-UkFwa

06:58 from FriendFeed
Twitter / realtime24: serious about starting you ... ff.im/-UkFwk

06:58 from FriendFeed
40+ Elegant Examples of River Photography ff.im/-UkFwp

06:58 from FriendFeed
40+ Elegant Examples of River Photography ff.im/-UkFwj

08:03 from FriendFeed
4月7日(土)のつぶやき その4 - ようこそ落書きBLOGへ ff.im/-UkOZM

08:04 from エキサイトニュース on iOS
「高齢者はガムを噛むと記憶力アップする」と歯科大学が解明 #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/column_g/…

08:04 from FriendFeed
「高齢者はガムを噛むと記憶力アップする」と歯科大学が解明 #excitenews excite.co.jp/News/column_g/… ff.im/-UkPug

by realtime24 on Twitter