Pokémon talk


Pokémon evolution

2024-08-30 23:42:00 | 日記
It’s time to evolve Pokémon until tomorrow 2:00pm before new event.
I made Crabominable from Crabrawler putting on ice lure.
I chose a shinny one in my box first.
It made a different shape of big crab.
Its face is very gentle and smiley.
I could record a new entry Pokémon.

Next I did the normal color crabtawler change to abominable. 
Both are lovely smiling face in the box.

I’ll try to make evolution of other different Pokémon tomorrow.


3 コメント

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Unknown (maron)
2024-08-30 23:58:58
I don't know this Pokemon.
Whiteclub look is smile old man.
How many ashimari get the tomorrow.
I hope get the good ashimari!

good night.
See you tomorrow.
Unknown (pokemonwalk)
2024-08-31 07:16:53
We’re looking forward to getting ashimari and let them evolute with strong skill.
It seems cloudy with a little wet today.
I hope it will not bother us to enjoy at the community day.
Unknown (maron)
2024-08-31 07:43:12
good morning ☔️
Today morning is rainy ><
But I hope sun at after noon.
