A m o u r


June 3

2012-06-20 22:39:26 | Diary

Last Sunday,our family attended the third buddhist memorial service for my husband's deceased father.
Two years ago,he died in a traffic accident.
We were very sad. But now ,we have good memories of him.
Because a few days ago,I asked MIO.
"who is your favorite boy classmate?"
She replied. "I haven't any favorite boy"
My husband said. "That's enough !! Already !!!" He looked angry.
But she replied "I like Papa."
Then,I asked her again."Who is your second favorite boy?"
She replied "I like granpa!"
I welled up with tears when I heard this.
But I thought we should laugh at a time like this.
She smiled shyly and my husband and I laughed all together.


Malawi and Mozambique and my memories.

2012-03-29 10:46:36 | Diary


Tuesday of this week, I went  to  Takikawa .

I heard a report about the situation of Malawi and Mozambique.                                                       

Takikawa international exchange staff of six people reported about Malawi and Mozambique.

Mozambique is a big city and a resort area.

And it is rich in electric power.

They want to make the made in Gaza for acquisition of foreign currency.

Malawi is a needy country. Their salary is about 7000 yen a month.

Malawi has a shortage of goods and a shortage of foreign currency.

And now, gasoline is two hundred yen per one liter.

Takikawa international exchange staff went to inspect a jam making factory, a potato chips making factory

  and etc.


Last year, the African came to Japan also two African people stayed at my house.

We talked about African life.

July of last year  ,  when South Sudan  made it's declaration of independence they stayed in Japan.

They were all very happy.

But now, Suth Sudan has been troubled since the declaration of independence.


They learned Japanese skills for their country people.

They made a tomato juice, tomato jam, mango jam and etc.

I went to a tasting party of tomato jam and mango jam.

It was four kinds of jam.


1: tomato,sugar and honey .
2: tomato,sugar and lemon.
3: mango,sugar and honey.
4: mango,sugar and lemon.

The Japanese favorite jam was sugar and lemon taste.
The African favorite jam was sugar and honey.

It was a very interesting tasting party.

After a tasting party , we had dinner at Rivista with three African people.


It was a great time but when they went back to Africa I was very sad.

I want to meet them again.



Motor show

2012-02-22 21:58:54 | Diary

Last Sunday,I went to Sapporo with my family.

We went to the motor show at the Sapporo dome.

Last month, my husband got a prize of two tickets for the motor show.

We were surprised!


We saw many cars also we saw many motorcycles.

There was an ecocar and a hyblid car and a unusual car and car of the future.

Many cars are cool and cute and strange.


My favorite car was "86 TOYOTA".      [ 86 = Hachiroku]

This is a car I admire.

This Hachiroku has nice body line and the engine sounds good and it has good interior design.

I love Hachiroku!  I'm crazy about Hachiroku!!!

Also my husbad loves Hachiroku. We had a great time!But my daughter was exhausted!




good weekend and bad weekend

2012-02-14 20:36:33 | Diary

Last Friday I went to the hospital. Bcause I had a medical chek up.

Next,I went to visit my friend in the hospital. Now she is pregnant.

She was fine but she couldn't sit up on the bed.

I'm hoping she gives brith safely.


Next,last Sunday I went to snow festival in Sapporo with my family.

But we went thru Bibai ,we encountered a blizzard.

Outside it was white out !  I was scared and my daughter sleeping 

and my husband looked exhausted driving.

We saw character show at the festival. because my daughter likes "precure".



 I wanted to see a snow statue of MIku Hastune .

But I could'nt looked for to the snow statue. Because we were very cold !!! 


My birthday.

2012-02-07 23:29:47 | Diary

Last Thursday,It was my birthday.

My husband bought a birthday cake for me and my daughter Mio sang the birthday song.

Mio and I bited into the cake together.

 It was a great time.

And last Saturday,I went to strawberry festival in Kitakarou with Mio.

I ate strawberry chocolate fondu and she ate ice cleam.

This chocolate fondu was so sweet and delisious.

Next day I went to my mother's house in Asahikawa with my family.

My older sister lives in mother's house together.

We had birthday dinner and we had a great time.