

Chapter Happenings #1 2014

2014年02月28日 17時52分38秒 | SDP本部から

今日、届いたChapter Happenings #1 2014の内容は…

1.Evening of Fun, Friends, and Information
 5月14日にカンフェレンス内でチャプターギャザリング(集まり)があり、そこで今年の Chapter Achievement賞とthe Chapter Anniversary賞が発表されます。The 8" x 8" Challengeというイベントも開催。8インチ角の素材ならどんな素材でもOK、そこに色々な作品を描きましょうというイベント。4月6日までに申し込み要(SDPホームページより)

2.2014 The Decorative Painter 発行予定

   発送日 到着予定日(この日よりも前に到着予定)
No.1 2月1日 3月15日
No.2 5月1日 6月15日
No.3 8月1日 9月15日
No.4 11月1日 12月15日


3.IMSDP(SDP国際美術館)発行の 18か月カレンダー(2014年7月~2015年12月)

1部$12.95  注文1件に付き手数料$2.50



Michelle Murray
SDP Banquet Table
2695 La Praix Street
Highland, CA 92346

Sue Bowers, Chapters Chair suebowers1112@yahoo.com

Name of Group, Business, or Individual(グループ、会社、個人の名前):
Contact person(担当者):
Contact information(情報):
Phone(でんわばんごう): Home and/or Cell
Are you bringing or shipping your decorations? (持ち込みか送付か?)


Service Awards and Scholarship Applications

2014年02月22日 10時43分58秒 | SDP本部から




SDP Service Awards

Society of Decorative Painters

393 N. McLean Blvd.

Wichita, KS 67203-5968.USA

●ファックスするか (316) 269-9191



SILVER PALETTE AWARD is given to a member for his/her noteworthy and exceptional contribution to furthering the mission of SDP. This is the initial award established by the Foundation, and it was awarded to Mary Kingslan Gibilisco CDA in 2013.

シルバーパレット賞は、SDPの使命を促進するために、目を見張る注目すべき貢献したメンバーに与えられる賞です。SDPファウンデーションの最初の賞で、2013年の受賞者はMary Kingslan Gibilisco CDAです。


DEDICATED SERVICE AWARD is given each year to an SDP member who exhibits an exceptional level of commitment to promote and strengthen SDP. This award began in 1984 and was awarded to Phyllis Gibbs CDA in 2013.

デディケイティッドサービス賞は、SDPを普及し、高めるために目を見張る貢献をしたSDPメンバーに毎年与えられています。この賞は1984年に始まり、2013年にはPhyllis Gibbs CDAに授与されました。


OUTSTANDING CHAPTER SERVICE AWARD was established in 2001 to recognize a chapter member for outstanding service and dedication to his or her chapter. The 2013 award went to Sherry Choquette of Pacific Coast Artists.

アウトスタンディングチャプターサービス賞は、所属するチャプターへの優れたサービスと献身を評価するために2001年に設立されました。 2013年の受賞者は、Pacific Coast Artists支部のSherry Choquetteに授与されました。


PRISCILLA HAUSER AWARD FOR BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY was established to recognize decorative painting businesses and business owners for their contribution to the industry. It was first presented in 2000, and in 2013 it was awarded to Bob and Katie Van Horn of Bear With Us, Inc.

ビジネスと産業のために与えられるプリシラハウザー賞は、デコラティブペインティング業界への貢献を尽くした企業やビジネスオーナーを評価するために、2000年に設立されました。2013年はBear With Us, Inc. のBobとKatie Van Hornに授与されました


SDP Foundation Scholarshipsが決定し、SDPのカンフェレンスで発表される奨学金の申し込み締め切りは3月1日です。



Society of Decorative Painters
393 N. McLean Blvd.
Wichita, KS 67203-5968.


(316) 296-9300 ext. 104 or lisa@decorativepainters.org.


CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP: Designed to assist chapters and their members in developing their decorative painting skills and/or increasing their knowledge of decorative painting in general.



MEMBER SCHOLARSHIP: Designed to assist individual members interested in developing their skills in decorative painting via academic courses, seminars, or workshops.



COME PAINT WITH US COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Designed to assist member businesses, teachers, and/or chapters who are interested in working together to create interest and participation in decorative painting.



2014年02月08日 13時46分32秒 | SDP本部から


   bullet Contact Us

Dear Masayo,
Member ID #85911

We have discovered that our printer mistakenly used the wrong paper to print your 2014 SDP Membership Card. Please consider the one that came with your magazine as a “temporary” card only. The printer is in the process of reprinting and will be mailing your replacement card. 

The new card is everything that you have come to expect—card stock, glossy, and with a wonderful example of Erika Joanne’s On Healing Wings.

Please pass this information on to your fellow SDP members that may not have email. And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at (316) 269-9300 ext. 112, or write me at jay@decorativepainters.org.

We sincerely apologize for the mistake. But rest assured that it will be corrected.

Jay Staten
Publications Director

DP 2014年度No.1

2014年02月08日 12時14分33秒 | SDP本部から




   bullet Contact Us


Dear Masayo,
Member ID #85911

The printed version of Issue #1 2014 of The Decorative Painter magazine has shipped! That means it's time to download your online copy from our Members Only section... and don't forget to grab the individual projects, linework, and exclusive online bonus project!

It's packed with the art and artists you love, and we'd love to hear what you think of this issue on the Society's Facebook Page.


In This Issue:

  • Liz Miller cda
    Cobalt and Hydrangeas (Acrylic)
  • Kaz Iwasaki mda, tda
    Hindeloopen Duck (Acrylic)
  • Susan Lockwood tda
    A Hippity-Hoppity Easter (Acrylic)
  • Sherry C. Nelson mda, tda
    Black-Hooded Parakeet and Sunflower (Oil)
  • Maureen McNaughton Gourzong cda, tda
    Brushstroke Studio–Part I (Skillbuilder)
  • Jan Boettcher
    Snowflake in the Round (Oil)
  • Bonnie Riley
    Roadside Flowers (Fabric Paint)
  • Helena Rizzaro Andrejev
    Desert in Bloom (Oil)
  • Mary Spires tda
    Woodpecker in the Wild (Watercolor)
  • Golda Rader
    1958 Prom Dress (Pen & Ink)
  • Rebecca Trimble
    Porter's Lighthouse (Acrylic)
  • Elaine Law cda
    Finches in the Clematis (Acrylic)
  • Jean Zawicki
    Spring Iris (Acrylic)

And don't forget our exclusive Member's Only online bonus project:

  • Brandy Welty
    Rockin' My Stripes (Skillbuilder)

Available now in the Members Only section. Sign in with your Membership Number: 85911 and Last Name (case sensitive!). From there, just click on the link for The Decorative Painter Magazine and select Issue #1, 2014!


2014年02月08日 10時37分38秒 | SDP本部から

Due to a mistake at the printer that prepares our bulk material, the wrong paper stock was used for printing our 2014 SDP Membership Cards resulting in cards that were not of the high quality we, and our members, expect to receive.

ur printer is reprinting all 2014 SDP Membership Cards and will be mailing those to all members next week.

If you have further questions, please contact Jay Staten at jay@decorativepainters.org.

Thanks for painting with us!


2014年02月05日 22時46分32秒 | SDP本部から




