

Brogue appeal

2013-01-29 00:36:36 | 日記

I was more than a little concerned to see that the ubiquitous ballet pump adored by many montblanc watch including myself seems to have been replaced by manly brogues as the flat shoe of choice this summer.

By now I think – and hope – that I have learnt my lesson not to wear something simply because it is in fashion michele tahitian jelly beans replica watch chronotora chronograph watch but when a particular type of shoe keeps appearing in every shop and on every fashion website I visit it is hard not to be tempted into buying them.
Im sure Im not the only one to fall foul of the need to have something simply because its in but this is one fashion trend that just screams at me to stay away.

It has taken me a long time to be persuaded by the cute appeal of a pair of pumps and after a few days in flats I always feel the need to embrace my inner diva and slip into some heels.

Thats why I just cant seem to bear the thought of stumping up the cash to buy brogues that might last just one season and will rarely get a look in when Im having a flats day.

Luckily here at Secret Sales HQ weve got loads of wearable designer brands that are guaranteed to last more than one summer.

If youre not feeling flush why not check out our accessory bargains such as those in our Vonzipper sunglasses sale and give yourself a lift without breaking the bank.

Suri Cruises wardrobe worth 2m!

2013-01-27 08:16:06 | 日記

As Im sure you well know I dont have kids yet. One day Im sure I will settle down to start a family fake emporio armani donna two-tone watch but at present Im just too busy doing what Im doing to find the time.

I wouldnt say that I live for fashion but yes designer clothes do play a big part in my life more than any child could at the minute. So when I finally do decide to have a mini Annabel patek philippe world time watches Im sure you can imagine fashion will have a big role in her life too. Or at least that is what I had always hoped.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are so hell-bent on dressing their daughter Suri in the latest trends hot off the runway that they have spent a massive £2 million on clothes for the three-year-old fashionista.

Granted replica omega watch Katie and Tom may not have paid for every last design in her wardrobe but I still think that rough estimate is pretty shocking.

Among the items in Suris ever-expanding designer clothes collection is a silk tulle dress that was created by none other than Giorgio Armani. Not to mention those sparkly kitten heels she was spotted wearing last week and all those fabulous pumps she had tailor made by French label Roger Vivier.

Its enough to put parents off dressing their child like a Barbie doll no matter how much they love clothes themselves!

How much money would you spend on childrens fashion?

Worst ever handmade clothes

2013-01-26 09:38:22 | 日記
Worst ever handmade clothes
  • A regrettable wedding T-shirt.
  • What would your mother say?
  • Ish.
  • No-one ever  never <a href=jaeger lecoultre ideale replica not one person needs this. " title="No-one ever never not one person needs this. " />
  • I dont like your tie. Offended?
  • One size fits ... the bin. </figure>

    Who's saying what

    hat not for sale! poncho sold out! im too late story of my life...

    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen roger dubuis replica watch thank you all for coming to crafter's anonymous. I've seen some of you here before and we of course welcome all our new visitors.

    Today I wanted to draw your attention to a website which should help you all in your battle to stop unnecessary crafting. It's called Regretsy. I think we all know what that clever pun means. There is no-one here who hasn't posted a terrible piece of craft on Etsy tried to swindle helpless consumers out of their dollars for our un-hemmed wares.

    In our mutual efforts to redirect our frustrated hands away from superfluous doilies and crocheted ponchos we have some prime examples of exactly what the world does not need.

    I give you velvet flared leopard print yoga pants jaeger lecoultre duometre replica watch pre-ripped tights with Swarovski crystals re-stitched jeans with poetic markings and tracksuit pants with flared curtain details.

    Take a close look. You may at first oooh and ahhh and some of these pieces. RESIST THAT URGE! The lesson we must all take away today is that the world needs no more craft-based pain.

    If anyone needs further support please see Di I mean Brown Owl on the way out.

  • Cops a precursor to frikken Robo Cop

    2013-01-25 08:10:32 | 日記
    Cops a precursor to frikken Robo Cop </figure>

    Who's saying what

    LOL right on hotef

    According to the San Fransisco Examiner the local police force there is to start trialling wearable cameras for the recording of arrests. The news comes after a series of allegations where police have been accused of misconduct and footage from wearable cameras has been used as evidence. The idea behind the plan is to hold police accountable but also to provide them with protection by having events properly documented.

    The idea of the wearable/cyborg camera is not a new this is especially true if you look at Hollywood action/sci-fi movies. No doubt this genre has totally influenced the San Fransisco Police Department. Here are the top three Hollywood wearable/cyborg cameras... according to me:

    Robo Cop
    If you don't know this movie imitation ebel watches franck muller long island fake watch then your childhood was misspent. You probably played outside with all the other hopeless kids doing physical things. Well not me I watched RoboCop... I watched it so much that I wore down the video tape at my favourite sections of the movie (which was merely practice for the porn I would discover a few years later). In hindsight that movie was far too gruesome for a 12 year old in fact I think it had an R-rating (but then I was emotionally too young for the porn too). I'm cool though... I turned out just fine *licks laptop screen*

    Robo Cop was a BAD ASS. He was a cyborg part human part machine—built from the body of a slain cop with apparently no memory of his former self. Not only did Robo Cop pack a fully automatic pistol from hell in his thigh but he had in-built vision. He viewed the world in low-fi 480i but he could lock onto a fly a mile away. This clip shows a summary of the movie. It also demonstrates Robo Cop's ability to record and review his video evidence replica oris tt1 watch "... we killed you!":

    The Robo Cop trailer... just what is Directive 4?

    Terminator 2
    He's not exactly a cop... but he is designed to serve and protect... at least one person; the saviour John Connor. Here we see a montage of of 'Terminator View' with the Terminator sizing up individuals in a bar to find clothing after he teleports into the 90's completely naked. The look on the barmaid's face as she rounds the bend says it all. There's lots of meta-data and graphs on screen that he uses to analyse his environment some dude speaking ont he phone that bikie breathing "carcinogen vapor" in his face:

    Arnie scopes the situation... watch out fertile female government staffers!

    Universal Soldier
    Released in 1992 the same year as Terminator 2 UniSoldier came as the 80's action and sci-fi heyday was truly drawing to a close. Starring two of my favourite 'actors' from the genre Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. Needless to say there's not much dialogue to lock on to in this movie but it really demonstrates the future of cyborg cameras and how wonderful national security will be. Tip: if you're going to make cyborgs make sure you properly reformat their brains first—DUH:

    Dolph Lundgren: "I'm gonna teach them... ALLLL"

    OK so here's a third example of a wearable/cyborg camera... Iraqi-American artist Wafaa Bilal has had a camera implanted into his head... FOR REALS. I'm not going to much much more than "three titanium bolts." WTF? #HeadDesk

    Google wants to be your PA

    2013-01-24 10:54:29 | 日記
    Google wants to be your PA </figure> One of Google's top engineers and the world's foremost expert on search engines says his next challenge is to turn Google into everyone's personal assistant capable of making suggestions and guiding users through their day without them having to lift a finger.

    Google fellow Amit Singhal who has studied search for 20 years said what many would relegate to the realms of Star Trek was only a few years from becoming a reality. Already our always-connected phones can tell Google where we are (thanks to the built-in GPS) and our appointment schedule; they can speak to us and take instructions by voice. Google also knows a lot about the world around us and our own preferences based on past searches - all that's needed now is an "intelligent glue" to tie everything together.

    Mobile becomes your robot helper
    Soon Google's systems would know your appointments and be able to tell you what time to leave based on traffic and other information.Furthermore if Google knows you like Thai restaurants and that you drive past the best one in your city every day on the way to work Google will soon be intelligent enough to suggest that you go and eat there. "My son breitling windrider cockpit watches when I was coming to the US said: 'Dad bring me a Japanese baseball.' I coach little league to my son and my calendar knows today that I have 15 minutes between my last appointment here and my dinner appointment at my hotel " Singhal said in an interview. "If you combine my calendar time with my geography which is the path from here to my hotel and you combine the information atom 'baseball shops' or 'sports shops' between here and there what you have is the beginning of that personal assistant that can proactively tell me three blocks down the road turn right tissot watch pick up a Japanese baseball for your son and then you can go to your dinner." Singhal who was an academic researcher in search before joining Google in 2000 replica zenith foudroyante paypal watches calls this "search without searching".

    Alan Eustace head of Google's engineers worldwide pointed to a recent prediction that mobile phone searches would overtake desktop searches in 2012. "There will be new things that you do on a phone that never occurred to you; just like navigation right now [and] augmented reality " he said in an interview. "I never thought voice search was ever going to work. I supported voice search my entire career as a research director but I never thought that it would reach a point where an untrained user could walk up to a device and input a query and have it correctly find the output."

    Search dreams become reality
    Singhal described how the five major dreams he had around search two decades ago had already become reality thanks in part to high-powered mobile phones with GPS navigation.

    1. Searching outside text - Google's search engine can now search images and video files. Copious amounts of information that was never in digital form is now searchable thanks to initiatives such as Google Street View and book scanning. Google Goggles lets users search for information just by submitting a photo of a landmark and translate text just by taking a photo of it.

    2. Search beyond language - Users can now translate any pages and even conduct "cross-language searches" allowing those who are for instance travelling to Japan to search information on Japanese-language websites and have the results and web pages displayed in English. Coming soon is the ability to have a conversation with someone who doesn't speak your language and have translation performed on the fly.

    3. Search that knows me - If you're a cricket fan and have conducted searches on the game on Google and you search for "lords" the top result will be the Lords cricket ground in London. The old results would list the Lords multiplayer online game first. Google search can also tailor results depending on your location while another newer Google feature throws up a section of results containing pages published by people you have identified as being in your online or offline social circle. "Imagine if I had told you 20 years back that each and every one of you would have a tailor-made search engine for you? We have come a long way in realising that dream " he said.

    4. Search the present moment - Google's "real-time search" compiles content that is being generated by the minute on sites such as Twitter and other services. "There was an earthquake in California and Google's real-time search beat the US Geological Survey in telling the world that there was an earthquake in California by a whole eight minutes " Singhal said.

    5. Search that understands me - The "holy grail" of search engine technology is enabling machines to understand language like human beings do. Google has already come a long way in this regard by allowing its search engine to run voice searches and recognise that words mean different things depending on their context. For instance the keyword "change" could mean "adapt" "convert" "exchange" "install" or "switch" depending on the query and Google's search engine was already able to intelligently deduce this meaning.

    Key pieces missing
    But Singhal said there were still several pieces of the puzzle to put in place before his dream of "searching without search" could become a reality. "Today some of the critical pieces that actually senses my environment to guide me through my day are missing - [my mobile] doesn't know that I need to buy a baseball " said Singhal. "I don't expect people to record everything they say that would be fairly invasive. What I expect to happen is I just turn on my phone and say 'buy baseball' that's it ... right now I don't do that because the best I can use that input for is to put a sticky note on my screen - that's not that big a deal." Of course such a high level of personalisation is bound to send privacy advocates and regulators into a spin. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg the chief executive officer of Facebook who has been raked over the coals several times by attempting to personalise advertising and other site features by forcing users to make more personal details available publicly. Singhal said the key to solving these issues was transparency and control. Already Google Dashboard allows users to view and manage the information stored about them on Google's servers and this would be critical for the new "personal assistant" feature."I really really believe that privacy is critical to a successful product ... users should have a right to divulge whatever they want and definitely a right to keep private whatever they want private " Singhal said.

    Asher Moses travelled to Tokyo as a guest of Google.

    by Asher Moses