
排除収容ニヨルTENT小屋群ノ屍ノ中デノTenT村建設ヨリ5周年,闘イハ続ク-iNfoS of a TeNTcIty

we never forgive the fascist oSSaKKKa city!

2006-02-02 18:14:17 | Weblog
*we never forgive the fuckin' fascist of oSSaKKKa city!*

on early morning of 30 jan 2006, fascist osaka city authorities with guards and polizei began to do their barbarous actions to the homeless persons living in utsubo park/osaka castle park. first of all, 750 city officers/guards marched ahead to surround/invade the utsubo park, and they closed the park with fences/barricades. before dawn of this day, a part of us set some barricades on some places of this park. however, most of us did not do so. so,
2 entrances of utsubo park were too easy to pass them into the park.(they enter to the park from western gate/northern gate...etc.) on the park, they surrounded us and scrumed each other, then, they moved to the headquarter's tent of utsubo park step by step. on the other side, when the residents of tents of north/south-west side were kept out from their own tents by guards/officers with violence, they destroyed and swept tents away so easier. all action we could do was only shouting our protest. because most of us carried out the "non-violence struggle".(however, non-violence does not mean non-defense. most of us forgot this important thing, i think.)
then, they attacked and went ahead to the HQ tent and some tents. at that time, most of us surrounded by them, and comrades supporting from outside of the barricades had to defend themselves from riot police...etc. for a while, we defended 2 tents and HQ tent, and also we got a bit of cease-fire. some guards nodded to our voices of criticising about city authorities.(these guards were replaced to the other place by their chief.) however, this cease-fire was broken by their evil offense to us again. suddenly, some no scrumed comrades were brought out by 5-6 guards(women were brought out by 6 special women guards. also photographers of media were forced to stop their action from our side.), further, they cut the code of our tents. a lot of officers with white helmet attacked from behind the HQ tent. we resisted to their destroying & removing... and resisted to get out of utsubo park, and also comrades supporting from outside of the park tried to break out their fences... however, finally, they completed their missions.
in this way, utsubo park was completely occupied by barbarous officers with guards and polizei. further, a homeless warrior living in utsubo park was secretly arrested by gestapo!!(now, he is in temporary prison of nishi-police station. we strongly hope he will get back immediately!)
also in a part of osaka castle park, osaka city authorities occupied 5 tents/huts and homeless comrades. some of homeless comrades of utsubo park went to ougimachi park tent village, others went to nagai park tent village...etc.

same day, fascist osaka city attacked some tent villages and a tent: in ougimachi park, 4 tents for the sufferers of utsubo park were stolen by northern district park officers(on the morning of 31 jan 2006, we protested to that fuckin' matter to the city north district park office. park officers tried to reject our protest. so, a glass door was broken. however, it was not our responsibility. for a while, they returned these tents to us. but, no apologizing!). in nishinari park, each of some tents were surrounded by fences like a zoo. and also in nishi-umeda park, a tent of homeless comrade supporting the anti-eviction struggle in utsubo park was stolen by north district park office!(1 feb 2006, they returned this tent
to a homeless comrade. but, no apologizing!)

these were terrible terrorism by osaka city authorities and its supporters.
after the battle of utsubo park, we went ahead to the osaka city hall and protested to the barbarous osaka city authorities. also, we shout the protest again and again, and stated them "the battle against fascist city will continue". yes, "la batalo continuos!" "la lucha continua!" we are NOT DUST. we shall NOT BE MOVED!!
