


2005-07-06 18:18:39 | Weblog

It's hot and humid here.. I'm getting up like 4 a.m. from uncomfy-ness and jetlag.

I went to US consulate general's office yesterday. When we got there, there is already a looong line in front of the building. They can't let too many people into the office, so we needed wait for a while. There was a airport like security check at the entrance, more strict than airports. Then, there was a long line inside inside of the interview room too. Obviously they schedule more than 20 people into one slot... They scanned my fingers and told me that my passport will be sent back in a week (good news.. hopefully I can come back..).

Meeting with friends was fun. We ate roll cakes at a cafe. Roll cakes has been a recent big trend since last year.
