


2005-06-11 08:04:48 | eating
Pasted from IM

8 cups of tomatoes ? I use about half Roma and half regular
10-12 cloves of garlic
Large bunch fresh cilantro
Large sweet yellow onion
Large red onion
4-8 jalapenos depending on your desire for heat
1-2 habanero peppers if desired
2-4 serrano peppers if desired

Take approx. 1/2 of the 1st 8 ingredients and pulse them in a food processor until they are finely diced, put in a large bowl. Hand chop the remainder of the 8 ingredients, plus the celery and add that to the bowl, mix well. Add the juice from one lime and salt & pepper. Sample, add additional lime and salt as needed. It is best if you can refrigerate for a couple of hours for the flavor to blend.


2 コメント

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hot hot hot (ben)
2005-06-11 09:54:59
Somehow, a pepper isn't in the emoticon vocabulary.
hot (momochoo)
2005-06-11 15:24:14