

shinkansen :(

2005-07-11 22:40:26 | Weblog
Stuck in Shinkansen for 3 hours on Saturday:( I left Nagoya 7:30, and around 8:00, my train stopped because of heavy rain. The "super-express" didn't move even an inch for 3 hours

The conductor kept giving us updates every 15 minutes. Every time he gave us new updates after the second one, he said "I'm sorry that I have to repeat the same news... " and to prevent us to go mad, he kept talking about details of the situation. So all of passengers include me, except the ones sleeping or already drunk, became experts on how JR (Japan Railroads) mesure rain fall, and how much is minimum for making super-express stop, and how they check the rails after the rain weakens.

JR staff has been super polite recently, despite their stereotype of being not so nice attitude they inherited from the days they were government owned. I think the recent derailment accident, which killed many passengers, making the staff extremely polite. After the accident, people outraged about their attitude. On top of that, some weirdos placed rocks on rails. I don't understand the crazy people try to create more accidents after the tragity. However, I was pretty upset about the train delay (I know it wasn't JR's fault).

My laptop will shutdown in few minutes.. I'll continue my train story tomorrow. Japanese rainy season doesn't seem to end soon...
