

update about the kimono store

2005-07-07 16:25:20 | Weblog
OK, my mom just came home and saw the shopping bag from the store. She was obviously familiar with the name of the store..

She told me that she has shopped at the kimono store too. The same store and similar unbelievably good deal... which is actually a red kimono I have. I didn't know that my red kimono I wore for this year's conmersment came from the store..
She told me that the store called her up few days later and told her that she won the prize and wanted her to come and pick up the prize, which is a set of kimono. She became suspicious and didn't go back to the store.

So it looks like they will call me and tell me that I "won" the prize too.. :( No wonder my mother didn't pick up phone for a while during daytime last year.. sorry mom, I have to ask you to bear agressive sales calls again...

Stupid me... but if we can dodge the sales calls fine this time again, I guess we have scored 2 good kimono sets for very good prices..

I thought I'm kind of a person who don't give out personaly information easily, but it was wrong.. I don't even have Fred Meyer card or Safeway membership, but now I'm on a stupid customer list of the damn kimono store... My mother told me that she knows only one lady who said no to sign up for the prize. So I guess everyone else couldn't leave the store without signing up...
