


2014-02-03 06:14:37 | 日記

jp.xinhuanet.com/2013-11/12/c_1… 綾波レイ、長門有希……中国オタク的萌えジャンル「三無少女」ってなに?_新華網

春節大晦日に中国の一部都市で大気汚染深刻に 花火爆竹も影響_jp.xinhuanet.comhttp://jp.xinhuanet.com/2014-02/01/c_133087543.htm


I'm listening to Kita by Saramba Kouyate via @stereomood on the go bit.ly/Stereomood_iOS

I'm listening to Pleasure Time (Novalima Remix) by afrolicious via @stereomood on the go bit.ly/Stereomood_iOS

I'm listening to Butters Theme feat Billy The Gent & Long Jawns by Diplo via @stereomood on the go bit.ly/Stereomood_iOS

I'm listening to Original Don (feat. The Partysquad) by Major Lazer via @stereomood on the go bit.ly/Stereomood_iOS

I liked a @YouTube video from @o0v3rdriv3o youtu.be/R9P3ugzmmis?a King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King (Full Album, 1969)


I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/TnQuYv5gY-g?a Bee Gees - Their Greatest Hits - Full CD


I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/TOHkkkJs2oU?a Country Classic Hits Of The Decades Compose By Djeasy


I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/WRUN6MrRBaU?a COUNTRY CLASSIC BEST OF WILLIE NELSON compose by djeasy

