三鷹国際学生宿舎院生会ブログ - Mitaka Intl. Hall of Residence, Tutors' Blog



2006-06-15 11:11:50 | Weblog



でも!まだ日本のW杯が終わったわけじゃありません4年に一度の大舞台、筋書き通りにいかないことだってあるはずですそして何より、4年に一度のお祭りを、私たちが楽しむってことが一番大事です担当者は、18日はサムライ・ブルーの公式応援ソングVamos! Nippon/Ultrasを持ち込んで、観戦をさらに盛り上げようともくろんでいます。日曜の夜、ぜひ楽しい夜にしましょう。そして、12日、13日に観戦に来てくださった皆さん、いすの片付けやごみ拾いに積極的に参加していただき、本当にありがとうございました。皆さんのご協力のおかげでイベントがスムーズに進み、大成功でした。18日もどうぞ、よろしくお願いします

Watching World Cup Soccer Matches

・Where? - at Common Hall
・When? - on Sun. 18th June, approx. from 10PM to 0AM.

・Free to come in and go out at any time
・You can bring your own food and drink. Please help us clean up the common hall after we watch the match
・All of you in Mitaka International Hall of Residence are
・Of course it's FREE of charge!

small talk by a tutor
It was very disappointing that the team Japan got lost on June 12th. I was envious of Korean supporters who won the game against Togo on 13th, and got wild with joy. And to Australian students... congratulations on your winning the game!
But!Our World Cup is not over yet You'll never know what's gonna happen in this big, unpredictable event held only once in 4years More important than that is that we enjoy ourselves drinking and cheering this big event On 18th, I'm thinking of bringing the official supporter song of Samurai Blue(team Japan) Vamos! Nippon/Ultras so that I can liven you up all the more! Let's have fun together on Sunday night. Also, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for those of you who came to the event on 12th and 13th, and cooperated with us in straightening up the commn hall after the game. Thanks to you all, the event went smoothly and successful. I would like to ask you the same cooperation on 18th

WORLD CUPを大画面で観戦しよう!!

2006-06-03 21:57:25 | Weblog
(There's also information on this event in English. Please scroll down if you would like to read it in English.)







(English Version)
Watching World Cup Soccer Matches
Japan vs. Australia
・Where? - at Common Hall
・When? - on Mon. 12 June, approx. from 10PM to 0:30AM.

Korea Republic vs. Togo
・Where? - at Common Hall
・When? - on Tue. 13 June, approx. from 10PM to 0AM.

Free to come in and go out at any time
・You can bring your own food and drink. Please help us clean up the common hall after we watch the match
・All of you in Mitaka International Hall of Residence are
・Of course it's FREE of charge!
・Feel free to put any questions or comments on this article.

Secondary information:
・This event is organized by a group of tutors (graduate students) in Mitaka International Hall of Residence.
・The staff of our Hall have generously agreed upon opening the common hall until 0:30AM to watch the World Cup match.
・We have also been planning to show the following two matches;
- Korea Republic vs. Togo on Tue. 13 June, 10PM at common hall
- Japan vs. Croatia on Sun. 18 June, 10PM at common hall
・You can check out the match schedule at
and the team ranking at