miao的 ぶろぐ(ってば>照)

 生業:打楽器奏者 ”みゃお助”のぼやき、旅、お気に入り、猫、そして時々音楽のこと(笑)etc 

Greetings from KL. Malaysia

2009-04-28 | 【海外逃亡?旅日記】
Our program in this week for Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra will be very interesting music.

2 pieces from Charlie Chaplin's movie music and other is Malysian Catoon' music which has composed Carl Davis (the conductor here) and there are many Malay's traditional instruments!!!

we will have a teacher of traditional percussion instruments tomorrow!

will have fun!!



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wow! (べるっち)
2009-04-29 00:29:15
Nothing is better than to perform music under the baton of an original composer/conductor! Enjoy and let us know how it went!! That sounds very interesting once you somehow get to chat with him for sure.

Good luck.

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