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See How To Install Linux On PS3 - Enhance Your PS3 To The Fullest by J Wilson

2013-10-22 17:52:55 | 日記

Have you decided you wish to learn how to install Linux on PS3, but you're unsure how to go about this? It's fine, you're not alone. Because the development of the PS3 and the capability to install Linux onto the system, many people are trying to learn the same process. It can be a headache, but it will not be as much of a struggle as some gamers make it out to be if you have a great set of directions.

Before installing Linux onto your PS3, it's mandatory that you first figure out which version of Linux you desire to use. There is Yellow Dog Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, and a few different options. With a large variety of options, it's easy to see why tons of people feel confused and lost and get angry with the process.

The best version of Linux for PS3 is most likely Yellow Dog because it was specifically created for use with the PS3. Yellow Dog Linux has the greatest number of features and is also the simplest to install. The other version that is also fairly good is Ubuntu Linux for PS3. It is an option to install the other programs that I said above, however I recommend you choose Yellow Dog or Ubuntu.

When you've decided on the type of Linux you wish to use, it's necessary that you choose if you desire to select a hardware modification, or a soft-mod. I myself recommend steering clear of a hard-mod since it is extremely dangerous and you might destroy your PS3 for good if you mess up. The mod chip will also void the warranty, and that is never good. Soft-mods are way simpler and safer to perform when it comes to figuring out

Now that you've made the decision on which version of Linux you are going to install, and you have probably decided on going with a soft-mod, all that you still have to do before you've successfully discovered how to install Linux on PS3 is download the software and files and a thorough directions manual to guide you through the process.

This part is extremely important because if you download the wrong files or listen to a horrible guide, you will be left with a ton more headaches than it's worth. I discovered this with experience after attempting to go along with some of the terrible guides written on many forums. There are even files on the web that are corrupted and come with viruses along with them. This is a simple problem to really mess up your PC or PS3.

After a great deal of testing and experiencing my equal part of struggles trying to learn how to install Linux on PS3 personally, I eventually came upon a simple solution that I am willing to share with you. It is extremely risk-free, speedy, and easy to perform the Linux installation by using this method.
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