


2012-08-31 13:59:27 | 日記

トリーバーチバッグユナイテッドアローズ(UA)が、原宿本店 ウィメンズ館、UA梅田店、UA名古屋店の3店舗限定で、ビューティフル ピープル(beautiful people)の期間限定販売会を開催.また、2007A/Wシーズンから毎シーズン好評を得ているライダース ジャケットのサイズオーダー会も同時に行う.ビューティフル ピープルの2009S/Sコレクションテーマは、『ある女の子のクローゼットの中身.その全て』.クローゼットの中にある「子供の頃の思い出と一緒に大切にしまってある服」「親にいやいや着せられたお出かけスーツ」な

トリーバーチ パテントレザー&ナイロンバーグ


期間限定販売会ではTシャツやワンピース、ライダースやジャケットなど、2009年春夏コレクションがほぼフルラインで揃う.顧客自身に「ある女の子」と自分を重ね合わせるような体験をして欲しいという願いを込め、「ビューティフル ピープル」の世界観を表現する.ライダースジャケットのサイズオーダー会では、なかなか入手できない「キッズシリーズ」のライダース ジャケットを、同イベント期間中のみオーダーすることができる.このライダースはただ小さいだけの子供服ではなく、絶妙なデザインとカットワークによる肩線、アームホールの絶

トリーバーチバッグ 2012年の新作

【beautiful people期間限定販売会概要】ユナイテッドアローズ 原宿本店 ウィメンズ館住所:150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前2-31-12 B1-1Ftel:03-3479-8176開催日程:2009年3月6日(金)~3月15日(日)ユナイテッドアローズ 梅田店住所:530-0001 大阪府大阪市北区梅田2-4-9 ブリーゼブリーゼ1・2F tel:06-4797-8660開催日程:2009年3月20日(金・祝)~3月29日(日)ユナイテッドアローズ名古屋店住所:460-0008 愛知県名

トリーバーチ パテントレザー&ナイロンバーグ


10 Tips To Help Your Motorcycle Leather Last Longer

2012-08-30 15:02:56 | 日記
Check out these simple tips and your leather will look beautiful and last for years.Generally speaking people like leather because it is easy to care for. It is not, however, indestructible. In general, the more heavily finished a leather surface is, the more resistant it is to spills and stains. Untreated leather absorbs, and is easily stained, by oils. Abrasive cleaners, and organic solvents can also harm it. Soap and water is good for routine cleaning, but commercially available leather cleaners may work better. The latter often contain lubricating materials, which are intended to keep leather supple. Really dirty leather may require the use of a mild detergent solution but トリーバーチ バッグ care should be taken, because some detergent solutions may not be pH balanced, containing compounds that could harm the leather. Always follow the manufacturer's cleaning instructions and test any cleaner on an inconspicuous area first. It is also a good idea to damp-wipe rather than soaking the leather with water. If you love the smell of leather, the touch of it, the sense of protection it offers as well as the way it makes YOU personally feel, then read the top 10 leather care tips and additional information. 1.Unprotected leather is susceptible to spotting from water and other liquids; a newly purchased leather item should be treated immediately to prevent permanent stains. Be sure to トリーバーチ 長財布 use a product that will not clog the pores. Leather needs to breathe. 2.When using a commercial cleaner to clean you item be sure to get matching items cleaned at the same time. There may be a small color change after cleaning. This is natural トリーバーチ ブーツ and to be expected. If you get matching items cleaned at the same time this won't be a problem.3.Prevention is the best cure. Treat your new item as soon as it arrives. Store in a dry environment, don't use harsh household chemicals and avoid preparations that contain alcohol. 4. If your leather gets wet hang it on a padded hanger and allow it to dry air dry. トリーバーチamanda hobo Apply a little conditioner when the leather is nearly dry. 5.Small repairs can be done with rubber cement. For example if the hem in a skirt is starting to unravel a little rubber cement saves the day. 6. For spills: Wipe up excess liquid immediately with a clean clothe or sponge. If necessary use clean lukewarm water and let the leather air-dry. For spots and stains: Apply a mild, non-detergent soap solution with a clean, wet sponge. Rinse well and let air-dry. Especially stubborn dirt may require a detergent solution, but care should be taken. For butter, oil or grease: Wipe excess butter, oil or grease off the leather with a clean, dry cloth, then leave it alone as the spot should dissipate into the leather in a short period of time. Do not apply water to try トリーバーチ バレエシューズ to wash a butter, oil トリーバーチ サンダル or grease mark. 7. Use Caution トリーバーチ ブーツ if using mink oil or other animal fats they will darken leather. 8. Avoid turpentine and mineral spirits as they can pull color. 9.Do not use waxes, or silicone formulas or other leather preparations that impair the トリーバーチ サンダル ability of the leather to "breathe". 10.To remove gum from leather heat it with a hair dryer until it is completely dry and then rub it off with a dry cloth. If there is any marks left apply some conditioner. With トリーバーチamanda hobo proper care, leather out wears denim 20 to 1. I've heard stories where a good quality, well-maintained leather jacket can last as long as 50 years! Find out everything you can about your leather jacket, get the right stuff and set aside time for mandatory cleaning. If you don't do it yourself, then pay a pro to clean your leather jacket for you. You can thank me later for that tip!


2012-08-29 14:20:51 | 日記

トリーバーチ 財布話題のアメリカンカジュアルブランド「オールド ネイビー(Old Navy)」が日本に初上陸、2012年7月12日(木)、ダイバーシティ東京 プラザ店に初の店舗をオープンする.日本はもちろん、北米以外(米国およびカナダ)のエリアでは初の店舗となる.

Patent パテント レザー ☆ コンチネンタルウォレット 長財布

トリーバーチ 財布2012年の夏、持っていたい一品

オールド ネイビーは1994年に立ち上げられたブランド.すべて楽しい、活気あふれるショッピング環境で提供するというのがOld Navyの特徴の一つ.展開から瞬く間に最新のファッションを手頃な価格で提供する世界有数のアパレルブランドへと成長した.

トリーバーチ 財布 2012年の夏新作

以来、オールド ネイビーは大人および子ども向けに、トレンドのアパレル製品と魅力的なベーシック製品を驚くような価格で提供し続けている.オールド ネイビーは、現在、北米を中心において約1000店展開されている.【詳細】Old Navy ダイバーシティ東京 プラザ店オープン日:2012年7月12日(木)営業時間:10:00 - 21:0

bag sale

2012-08-28 13:41:02 | 日記

トリーバーチバッグFive such classic ball parks are Shibe Park, Ebbets Field, Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, and Wrigley Field.Shibe Park stood in Philadelphia for nearly seventy years. It was opened in April of 1909 and demolished in June of 1976. During its time it was home to the Philadelphia Phillies (1927 and 1938 - 1970) and the Philadelphia Athletics (1909 - 1954). Shibe Park was the first steel and concrete stadium in Major League Baseball.In 1953 Shibe Park was renamed Connie Mack Stadium. It played host to the All-Star Game in 1943 and 1952. The last game was played in Shibe Park / Connie Mack Stadium on October 1, 1970.Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York stood for less than 47 years.


During that short span it became very famous.Ebbets Field was home to the Brooklyn Dodgers. One of the best features of the park was the fact that children could and would gather at the gate in right-center and watch the game in the gap under the gate. Historically the field was important as well. Here are some interesting facts about Ebbets Field for all you sports trivia buffs.On April 15, 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first black person to play Major League baseball in the 20th century. Also, the first televised game took place in Ebbets field on August 26, 1939 when the Dodgers played the Reds.The last baseball game was played in Ebbets Field on September 24, 1957. Ebbets Field was demolished on February 23, 1960.Yankee Stadium is home to the New York Yankees. Unlike Ebbets Field and Shibe Park, Yankee Stadium is still operational.Going to Yankee Stadium is like taking a walk back through the history of baseball. Just past the left-center field wall stands plaques and monuments to some of the great players who have played in Yankee pinstripes. These are some of the biggest players in MLB history and they include: Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle, Thurmon Munson, and Yogi Berra. Yankee Stadium was built in 1923. It closed in 1973 and then reopened in 1976. トリーバーチバッグ

Over the years it has undergone many renovations and additions.Fenway Park is another ball park that is still being used. It is home to the Boston Red Sox. Fenway opened on April 20, 1912.Besides having many great players pass through Fenway (Carlton Fisk, Ted Williams, etc.), the best feature of the park is The Green Monster. The Green Monster is a high green wall that sits out in left field. It is only just over 300 feet from home plate. The short porch is unique, there is no other wall like it in Major League Baseball.Wrigley Field is home to the Chicago Cubs. It was opened on April 23, 1914 but the Cubs didn't play their first game there until 1916.Wrigley Field preserved its historical persona and didn't install lights in the ball park until the late 1980s.


The first official night game was played on August 9, 1988.Some interesting sports trivia about Wrigley Field is that the lights were originally set to be installed in 1941, but Wrigley donated them to a local shipyard for help in the effort to win World War II.Wrigley Field is easy to identify because of the ivy vines that grow on the outfield walls. These vines were planted in 1937.Throughout the history of baseball there have been many great classic ball parks. Five of the best are Shibe Park, Ebbets Field, Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, and Wrigley Field.


2012-08-24 14:00:51 | 日記

2012年トリーバーチ新作入荷大人の女性のためのクールでエレガントなスタイルを提案するセズィール(saisir).そのセズィールが4月8日(金)から17日(日)までプランタン銀座に期間限定ショップをオープンする.この期間限定ショップではセズィールの2011年春夏コレクションが全て揃う. 新作入荷
2011年春夏コレクションは「リラックス」「ライト」「フェミニン」をキーワードに、着心地の良さと、女性が美しく見えるカッティングにこだわり抜いた、爽やかさを感じるコレクション.  saisir 2011S/Sコレクションシルエットはゆったりとしてリラックス感があり、ドレープでフェミニンさをプラス. カラーはベージュなどのアースカラーに、淡いブルーなどで優しく涼しげな印象.ブラックのテーラードジャケットやトレンチで大人っぽさを合わせたスタイリング.また、今回の期間限定ショップでは、東北地方太平洋沖地震による被災地支援のため、チャリティーグッズの販売も予定している.


【期間限定ショップ概要】会期 : 4月8日(金)~17(日)場所 : プランタン銀座本館 3F エスカレーターサイド時間 : 平日 11:00~18:00 / 土・日 11:00~19:00