


2011-04-05 23:45:41 | 日記




      1つは、地震前に購入したRosetta Stoneがやっとインストールできたこと。









セリエA ミラノダービーを見ながら。。英熟語って。。。苦手。。。基礎300熟語ですでに苦戦中(2)

2011-04-05 00:40:04 | 日記













19.call for ; The goverment called for a reduction in spending.

20.calm down;The police tried to calm down the angry crowd.

21.cannot help  but do ; I couldn't help but take an interest in the presentation.

22.care for ; We need to hire more nurses to care for the elderly pathents.

23.catch up with ; I went  back to my hometown to catch up with olds friends.

24.come up with ; It took Larry  a week to come up with the idea for the new ad campaign.

25.comply with ; Our  machines comply with all safty regulation.

26.concentrate on ; I quit my part-time job to concentrate on my studies.

27.confuse A with B ; People often confuse Richard with his twin brother.

28.consist on ; We make sure our cosmetics consist of the finest ingredients.

29.consult with ; The firm consulted with a lawyer before negotiating the contract.

30.convince A of B ; We need  to convince the client of our good intentions.

31.cooperate with ; Please cooperate with the building inspector when he comes by today.

32.cope with ; We hired more staff to cope with the crowds during the holiday season.

33.dispose of ; Please dispose of waste properly.

34.drop in on(at) ; Mr Rivers said he will drop  in on yoy at 3:00  today.

35.drop off ; Could you drop me off at 34th street?

36.feel  at home ; At our hotel, we do our best to make guests feel at home.

37.feel free to do ; Feel free to call any time if you have a quation.

38.fill out(in) ; You must fill out an application form to apply for a job here.

39.get back to ; I'll tell Mr.Bilton you called and he'll get back to you.

40.go ahead ; I'm too busy to go to the concert today so go ahead without me.

41.hand in ; Please hand in yore report by Monday.

42.hang on to ; I'll hang on to my stock portfolio despite the bad economy.

43.have yet to do ; Mr.Reardon has yet to approve the proposal.

44.help yourself to ; Help yourself to another piece of cake.

45.keep up with ; Mary is a speedy worker so no one can keep up with her. 

46.lean against ; Please don't lean against the railing.

47.make it ; There was a traffic jam so I didn't think I'd make it today.

48.make out ; The front is too small on this document so I can't make out what it says.

49.make sense ; The words on this letter are jumbled and don't make sense.

50.make sure ;  Always make sure you clean up the employee lounge after using it.

51.make up for ; It'll take a while to make up for last year's losses.

52.meke up one's mind ; The CEO can't make up his mind about the merger.

53.manage to do ; I worked night and day and managed to make the deadline.

54.may as well do ; There's no more work to do today so you may as well go home.

55.may well do ; Ms.Karstan may well agree to  our terms and sign the contract.

56.notify A of B ; You must notify the landlord of any changes to the apartment.

57.owe A to B ; We owe our prosperity to our CEO's professionalism.

58.pay off ; Our hard work is beginning to pay off.

59.prove to be ; Antonio has worked for the firm for many years and has proven to be a hard worker.

60.refer to ; Refer to the manual for instructions on  operating the machine.

61.refrain from ; Please refrain from using flash photography in the museum.

62.remaind A of B ; My colleague remainds me of my father because he's  always punctual.

63.stand for ; The manager doesn't stand for tardiness.

64.suffer from ; I suffer from headaches because I spend too much time on the computer.

65.use up ; We must be careful not to use up all our resources.

66.watch out for ; Watch out for fraud over the Internet.





