
April, 10, 2024

2024-04-10 10:29:49 | 日記

 I bought a monstera deliciosa.

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Marth, 31, 2024

2024-03-31 19:37:52 | 日記
 I saw 講談 today. Akane Kanda was stunning. She told two stories. "好き好き金衛門様" and "あの頃の夢". It was fun.

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Marth, 27, 2024

2024-03-28 11:36:16 | 日記

 I went to the aquarium. There were a lots of fish. How beautiful they were!

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Marth, 25, 2024

2024-03-25 16:50:29 | 日記
  I went to Hilton Tokyo bay yesterday. I had a good time. 

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January, 19, 2024

2024-01-19 19:42:46 | 日記
 I had a meeting for the first time in 2 months. It was fun. But I have to practice speaking. 
 Then, I want to eat sweet. I ate a parfait at サンマルクカフェ. ほうじ茶パフェ was really good.

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