
January, 19, 2024

2024-01-19 19:42:46 | 日記
 I had a meeting for the first time in 2 months. It was fun. But I have to practice speaking. 
 Then, I want to eat sweet. I ate a parfait at サンマルクカフェ. ほうじ茶パフェ was really good.

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January, 7, 2024

2024-01-07 19:35:18 | 日記

My husband and I ate vegetable confectionerys of 菜菓大和. It was crisp and rich. We were moving. 

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January, 6, 2024

2024-01-06 19:17:19 | 日記

 I went to 深川江戸資料館 in Fukagawa yesterday. I had a good time.  Koudan proguram was interesting. They were frendliy.
 I got a てぬぐい . I like the color.

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Decenber, 27, 2023

2023-12-27 17:51:34 | 日記
 I went to the Iino hall yesterday. I saw 大成金.  It was fun.
 Miyaji was beyond funny. He told horrible and funny stories.
 This is a picture taken from the hall.

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Decenber, 3, 2023

2023-12-03 19:32:55 | 日記
 I enjoied to volunteer sewing today. I felt nostalgic and happy. 

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