「谷口ジロー」のウラ街 2

谷口ジロー情報 Y.Kizawa


1 コメント

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Unknown (Kitakevo)
2021-09-13 06:52:42
Hi, sorry for not being able to write this in Japanese. I was wondering if you know if 嗄れた部屋 has been collected in book form. We know that it was published in 劇画ヤング別冊 谷口ジロー官能傑作選 濡れた性少女 and ヤングコミック1971/12/22号, but we can't find copies of those anymore. We would like to translate (fan translation) 嗄れた部屋, but we needs scans. Thanks for all your work through all these years.
