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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-07-23 07:58:00 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lecture.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) / ~With ~ / We want a room with a frisge and a nice view./ I went to the boxing mach with my co-worker./ Today we have to live with computers./ I visited Kelly with a bottle of wine./ Set a proper goal with a deadline. And just do it./ I talked with a french man with a big nose./ Recently Sue is very busy with her grandchildren./I work with the police./ Can you keep up with the pace of modern technology ? / Date:2021.7,23./

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Today's Saying

2021-07-23 07:53:20 | 日記

The Tonque is not steal,yet it cuts.

( 舌は鋼鉄ならざれども人を切る)~寸鉄人を刺す~

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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-07-23 07:41:01 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture. Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic Phrase) / ~Home Center~/Tools / Materials / Carpenter's tools / Square fimber / Nail / Hanmer / Pliers / Screw / Saw / Screwdriver / Material / Spray./Date:2021.7.23./

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