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Gifu / English Conversation

2021-04-09 18:13:39 | 日記

English Conversation for grown-ups ( 大人の英会話)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( Little prince ) / Whether from the inside or outside and attend to m studies which I did./ And that is why at the age of six I gave up a my magnificent career as a painter./As I grew up when never I met one who seemed clear sighted in order to find out if he was a person of true understanding / I would show him my first drawing whoever it was would say./ It's a hat. It's a sort of a kind of hat./Painted poorly but it surely is a hat./It's a hat,there's no doubt of it./ It's a hat. It's a hat,It's a hat,/ Top of Poppa is his proper habit./ My,oh,my,Look at that./ Whey,this dummy has drawn a hat./Date:2021.4.9./

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Gifu / English in Movie

2021-04-09 07:07:39 | 日記

English in Movie ( 映画で英語)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mr.Shuichi Ito ( Anna and snow's queen) / ~ Mean ~/What do you mean ? / Do you know what I mean ? / I mean./ You mean ? / That's what I mean./ I don't mean it./ It's an accident./ What I am trying to say is./ ~Whatchamacallit~/ What you may call it ./ What do you call it ? / What do you call it in English ? / How should I put it ? / I don't know how to do it./ You know./ In other word./ So far/ It's hard to say./ By the way./ Of cause./ of cause not./ because/ anything else ? / I'm kind of stuck on these calculations./ sort of./Date:2021.4.9./

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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-04-09 06:55:59 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Mieko Onogi ( Simple English ) ~ Leave ~ / Ron leaves for work at 8:30 everyday./ I want to leave a message for Linda./ I left my handbag in the car./ He left his girl friend and went to Chikago./ Mr.Tanaka died and left his wife one billion yen./ I'll leave the decision to you./ Lisa left Australia for France with her husband last week./Naoko left Japan for France with her husband last week./ What time do you usually leave for work/school ? /Date:2021.4.9./

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Today's Saying

2021-04-09 06:52:57 | 日記

A baited cat many grow as fierce a lion.

( 犬をけしかれた猫はライオンのように獰猛になる。)

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Gifu / English Lesson

2021-04-09 06:37:43 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City.Gifu Prefecture.Japan./ Lectuer.Mrs.Fumiko Shichi ( Basic phrase ) ~Greeting of Coversation~ / May I introduce myself ? I'm Michino Sato. My name is Taro Yamada. I't s a honor to know you./ How is your family ? / Is your brother well ? /How is everyone at home ? Quite well.And you ? /How is everyone at home ? I'm getting better,thank ./What new ? / What's the matter with you ? Nothing./I haven't seen you for a long time./ What's the matter with you ? I'm honored./ I'm very glad to see you./ It's a pleasure to must you./ I'm a pleasure to meet you./I'm pleased to see you./I'm delighted to have this opportunity of meeting you./Date:2021.4.9.

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