love sentences written

love sentences written

observe that things have begun to change

2017-01-17 14:37:56 | 日記

For me, this whole three-part dialogue has been inspiring our species on creating community, and building extended families, than ever in recent years. And, more and more, you are honoring your elders, producing meaning and value in, and from, their lives. This is a big step in a wonderfully useful di-rection.

So things are “turning around.” Your culture seems to have taken that step. Now, it’s onward from there.

You cannot make these changes in one day. You cannot, for instance, change your whole way of parent-ing, which is how this current train of thought began, in one fell swoop. Yet you can change your future, step by step.

Reading this book is one of those steps. This dia-logue will circle back over many important points be-fore we are finished. That repetition will not be by accident. It is foSuch beingness comes out of a state of total aware-ness. It can come out of only such a state. If you are seeking to become aware, then you cannot be.
It is like trying to “be” six feet tall when you are 4-foot-9. You cannot be six feet tall. You can only “be” what you are—4-foot-9. You will “be” six feet tall when you grow into that. When you are six feet tall, you will then be able to do all the things that six-foot-tall people can do. And when you are in a state of total awareness, then you will be able to do all the things that beings in a state of total awareness can do.
Do not, therefore, “try to believe” that you can do these things. Try, instead, to move to a state of total awareness. Then belief will no longer be necessary. Complete Knowing will work its wonders.
Once, when I was meditating, I had the experience of total oneness, total awareness. It was wonderful. It was ecstatic. Ever since then, I have been trying to have that experience again. I sit in meditation and try to have that total awareness again. And I have never been able to. This is the reason, right? You are say-ing to me that as long as I am seeking to have something, I can-not have it, because my very seeking is a statement that I do not now have it. The same wisdom You have been giving me throughout this dialogue.
Yes, yes. Now you understand it. It is becoming more clear to you now. That is why we keep going around in circles here. That is why we keep repeating things, revisiting things. You get it the third, the fourth, maybe the fifth time around.