Ivanka Trump Has a Politician Fan Who Cannot Believe Donald Is Her Father

2018-01-04 15:25:41 | 日記


First Daughter and Presidential Adviser Ivanka Trump may be facing criticism at home as her role in the White House is scaled back, but she has at least one fan overseas. 

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had warm words of praise for President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter, who she met last month on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly plenary session. 

Ivanka, who gave a speech against human trafficking at a side event, discussed with Bishop a mentoring program for female leaders in Pacific Island nations to boost their participation in regional parliaments. Quoted in Australian media on Wednesday, Bishop described Ivanka as “one of the most delightful, thoughtful, measured, outward-looking, down-to-earth people.”

Ivanka Trump speaks at the Oval Office in the White House, on September 25. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders suggested America would be “thanking god” for Ivanka Trump if she had a different surname. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

"When I told Ivanka Trump about that, she embraced it immediately, said how could her foundation get involved, she could host something at the White House," Bishop said.

The First Daughter’s response was so supportive that Bishop couldn’t help but noticing how stark the contrast was with her father. The president hasn’t shown any particular interest in policies supporting female leadership, in the U.S. or abroad, and defunded global health programs providing women with family planning services in his first week in office.

"(She was) very conscious that the White House could really galvanise action. And I thought, 'That president produced that daughter - interesting,'" Bishop said.

Ivanka intended to dedicate her position in her father’s administration to promoting women’s issues in the U.S. and abroad and in her first official foreign trip she travelled to W20 Women’s Summit in Germany, where the crowd hissed and booed after she stated her father was a “tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive.”

Following a presidential trip to the Middle East in which Ivanka accompanied her father, a World Bank global fund she helped set up to support female entrepreneurship won a combined $100 million donation from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

She also recently appeared an event focusing on improving employment rates among military spouses and spearheaded efforts to improve computer skills and STEM education in schools.

But Ivanka is also increasingly facing criticism, both within the White House, where aides reportedly refer to her as “princess royal” and Chief of Staff General John Kelly is trying to establish clearer role for the president’s advisers.

Her decision to support the Trump administration plans to end an Obama-era policy that would have required business owners to disclose gender pay gap tarnished her image as a champion of "women who work," but she in an interview to the Financial Times that she does not publicly stand up to her father because she’s a team player and that those who expected him to abandon his core values have unrealistic expectations.

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