

rushed downstairs to buy a cup of herbal tea

2017-08-17 15:36:00 | 健康

Did not eat the childhood of Chinese medicine is not perfect Chinese childhood, did not eat Chinese herbal medicine boiled life is not perfect Chinese life. October 22 is the World Traditional Medicine Day. Over the years, the position of traditional Chinese medicine in our life is almost overwhelmed by the omnipresence. Especially in Guangdong, herbal tea shop more than fast-food chain restaurant, a little dizzy and heat quickly rushed downstairs to buy a cup of herbal tea.There's excellent quality at wholesale rates is available at online stores and they are with ceramic body and leak proof seal ! Different product series like pre-heat battery are also available now.

However, with the popularization of some medical knowledge, people are more and more aware that herbal tea can not actually drink. Whether it is cure or nursed back to health, Chinese medicine is stressing the right remedy varies from person to person. Now the temperature began to decline, this Chinese medicine is the most suitable for taking at this time, but also pay attention to the choice of one person, have you ever eaten?

That's right, we're talking about the so-called cream. Many people have the habit of tonic cream in the winter season, but do you know what the cream tonic needs to pay attention to?

1, before tonic to eat "open medicine"

Infusion cream side should first look at your body condition is suitable for tonic. For example, gastrointestinal dysfunction, thick and greasy fur, indigestion and frequent abdominal distension, these groups, such as direct use of nourishing cream will aggravate the above symptoms.

For these people, before tonic to give "open medicine", with dried tangerine peel, Pinellia, Magnolia, Citrus aurantium, Divine Comedy, hawthorn and other drugs, Jiantang take to regulate gas and wet, improve the function of the spleen and stomach. Second, friends who are sick should first cure the disease completely.

If the patient is suffering from a cold, cough, expectoration, etc., you should first cure cold and cough, before tonic. Otherwise, just as "keeping a bandit behind the door" will not only fail to achieve the benefits of rewards, but will also prolong the recurrence of cold and cough.

2, taking dose and personal physique

The correct method of taking ointment is: the ointment stored in airtight porcelain jar, take a spoonful of water every morning to take an empty stomach, it is best to take a little hot porridge or hot rice immediately; also according to the needs of the disease, with yellow wine blunt . Such as prescription yellow earthworm medicine or ingredients in the gluey dosage is large, the cream is very thick sticky, difficult to red, then water can be taken after steaming.

Experts advise that the amount of cream taken according to the patient's condition or the physical condition and the nature of the drug decisions, and the patient's digestive function is very closely related. In general, the service should be from the beginning of the small dose, and gradually increase the amount, such as adults first serving a tablespoon daily, about 10 to 15 grams, if the digestive function is normal, 1 week changed to 1 day service twice, that is, get up in the morning After 1 hour before going to bed at night and an empty stomach take 1.

When taking ointment also need to cooperate with diet conditioning, and work and rest, moderate exercise, so as to make the role of ointment play to the best.

3, during the service period should pay attention to taboo

During the use of ointment, such as eating unhealthy diet, can reduce the efficacy of ointment, or cause adverse reactions. Rufu serving with Ginseng, Astragalus and other qi, should avoid eating raw radish, because radish is broken gas consumption of the goods.

Ointment when the general should not drink tea brewed, because the tea can solve the drug and affect the efficacy. Such as patients with yang and cold, should not eat cold diet; in the case of Yin Huo-wang, then avoid spicy spicy food; such as asthma patients, should avoid eating fish and crabs smell.

In addition, in the event of a cold and fever, diarrhea, etc., should be temporarily suspended until after the cure of these acute diseases, and then resume taking ointment medicine, so as not to "stay behind Kou."

4, there are adverse reactions can be such a deal

After taking ointment, such as reduced diet, abdominal distension boring, stool diarrhea, thick tongue coating and other conditions, proprietary Chinese medicine can be used Shiling Baizhu San, Xiangshayangwei pills, Huoxiangzhengqi tablets, traditional Chinese medicine can be used Citrus, Bergamot , Amomum and other tea drinking.

After taking the ointment thirst, dry throat, nasal dry embolism, because the glue used to make up the cream to use wine Huang Qi, and yellow wine, hot, warm stomach, blood, medicine potential, the nature heat.

Therefore, a small number of people with yin and yang hyperactivity constitution will appear after taking thirst, throat dry phenomenon, which can choose grapefruit, sugar cane, lemon and other fruits thirst quencher; also available white fungus, Radix and other lungs fluid.

5, storage to pay attention

Paste nostrils should be stored in porcelain cans, can also be stored with enamel burning pots, plastic can also be sub-package, but not with aluminum pot as a container. Should be stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. When using daily creams, do not change a spoon every time to dig, so as not to bring water into the jar, to promote mildew, you should put a fixed spoon in the jar.

(Editor Zhu Moxia)

Original Address: http://www.imastv.com/life/health/2017-10-22/news_content_196628.shtml