♪ Now Playing ! - Pink Floyd - A Pillow of Winds ♪ (ift.tt/zgpmdo) #nowplaying pic.twitter.com/AYn7KSxaT3
♪ Pink Floyd - A Pillow of Winds (ift.tt/zgpmdo) を聴いています。 #nowplaying
Pink Floyd ? A Pillow of Winds: last.fm/music/Pink+Flo… bit.ly/8VWWQZ
Thanks 533 for the follow! I´m very happy about it.
PM Thunderstorms today! With a high of 33C and a low of 24C.
I'm at 北上尾駅 (Kita-Ageo Sta.) (上尾市, 埼玉県) swarmapp.com/hashimoto_a/ch…
I'm at JR 池袋駅 (豊島区, 東京都) w/ 4 others swarmapp.com/hashimoto_a/ch…
I'm at 池袋駅東口 喫煙所 (Toshima, 東京都) swarmapp.com/hashimoto_a/ch…
Thanks 2001 for the follow! I´m very happy about it.
【 21日(月) 北部(熊谷) 】 曇時々晴 - 32℃/22℃ - Yahoo!天気・災害 ift.tt/W1VdQX
【 21日(月) 南部(さいたま) 】 曇時々晴 - 32℃/22℃ - Yahoo!天気・災害 ift.tt/1zA1K4K
Daily NiseZoutanku 紙が更新されました! paper.li/hashimoto_a/13… @Y_Adolescence
Partly Cloudy tomorrow! With a high of 31C and a low of 23C.