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From comeback title song MV "Sunny Summer" (GFRIEND)

From comeback title song MV "Sunny Summer" (GFRIEND)
カムバックタイトル曲MV「Sunny Summer」から(GFRIEND)

 The secret to GFRIEND's intermediate success was the mixed voice of Yuju and Eunha. GFRIEND came to life with it. I think so.
Yuju's calm unnie-like singing voice and Eun-ah's sweet and sour singing voice blended well together, creating an indescribable charm.
As a result, GFRIEND may have become girls with a strong sisterhood (family) rather than side-by-side comrades.

When they debuted, they sang with the image of classmates, but now they are clearly family-like.
When I saw the MV this time, I got the feeling that they were conscious of that.

About GFRIEND's new song "Sunny Summer," Billboard said, "'Sunny Summer' is an upbeat synth-pop track full of fun bass and funky percussion sounds, with rich vocals that go beyond the melody." ing.

I don't know much about the emotion of the sound, but "With the cheerful lyrics that include the names of GFRIEND members Sowon, Yerin, Eunha, Yuju, Sinbi, and Umji, they have won the title of the new hero of the best summer song." The passage is understandable.

With a family image, GFRIEND seems to have become a girl who is likely to leave something behind on the world's music scene.

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