雨の記号(rain symbol)

Eunjung's tomorrow will be sunny

Eunjung's tomorrow will be sunny

I wonder if Eunjung is lost in thought on rainy days.

T-ARA Eunjung discovered this photo on Twitter on the afternoon of the 3rd while looking through her "photo album".

In Italy. I was there all day on a rainy day," she wrote, along with four black and white photos of her with a lonely expression.

Even Eunjung, who usually exudes a refreshing charm, seems like a stranger in this photo of her feeling lonely on this day. Her expression as she stares intently into the camera is reminiscent of a retro artistic photo.

(From Entertainment News)

I was shocked when I saw the title.
I wonder what her left foot is like on a rainy day. Doesn't it hurt?

After spraining her left ankle at a music festival, she fell on a snowy road and injured her left knee, so she has not been able to perform on stage with T-ARA for a while now.

It seems that this gloomy mood is reflected in this photo.

When the change in the members of T-ARA was announced, Eunjung flashed through my mind.

Is her injury more serious than we thought?

Is there some connection between her injury and the change in members?

Is it possible that she has overdone it and her injury is no longer sufficient for her to perform extreme performances?

I was worried about such things.

However, she made an appearance at a K-pop concert in Paris and set off in good spirits on a European trip, mainly to Italy, dispelling our fears.

She also caused a commotion by losing money entrusted to her by the members, but this only highlighted the strength of the bond between the members, and their meaningful journey came to an end.

With the addition of a new member, it has been decided that Eunjung will continue to play a part in T-ARA and continue her activities.

Judging from this photo, she appears to be a little anxious about her recovery from her injury and her future performances.
The photo may have been sent out as a way to talk about her current feelings rather than a nostalgic reflection on her time on the road.

I don't think the agency will push her to do anything too hard, but she may be feeling anxious.

However, pushing yourself too hard will come back to haunt you later.
I hope that this time her left foot will be properly treated and she will return.
Tomorrow will be a sunny day for Eunjung.
That is all we can hope for.

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