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Listen to the voice of the composer of IVE's "Eleven"

Listen to the voice of the composer of IVE's "Eleven"

IVE's "Eleven" composer performs "English demo version" - "What does eleven mean...?"

★ IVE's debut song "Eleven". The composer is performing the demo version.

The composers who composed "Eleven" were Peter Rycroft, Lauren Aquillina, and RYAN JHUN. Of these, Lauren Aquilina has recently been interacting with fans through social media.

Among them, one fan commented, "I'm curious about the demo of 'Eleven'. Let me see what it was like."

In response, Lauren said, "I don't know if it's okay to release the demo. But I'll sing a little bit of the original English lyrics," and performed the chorus while playing the piano herself.

K-POP is based on pop music (entertainment songs) that was introduced from America, and has developed by adding dance to it.

As it has gained global popularity, artists and composers from all over the world are now flooding Korean music agencies with demo tapes.

If a large number of demo tapes are sent, it is very likely that some good songs are among them.

It seems that Korean music agencies are increasingly making requests to these artists and composers.

I listened to Lauren Aquilina, one of the composers of "Eleven," sing and play the piano.

As expected, she can do more than just sing.

She says she is a singer-songwriter.

She has a beautiful singing voice, and it is fresh and refreshing.

As an active singer, she must have many opportunities to sing in front of her fans while playing the guitar.

Of course, there is also "Eleven" sung by IVE...

This song may be reaching the ears of more Western fans than you might think.

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