雨の記号(rain symbol)

From an interview with “Girls’ Generation” (Sooyoung edition)

From an interview with “Girls’ Generation” (Sooyoung edition)

Sooyoung: “The members are family now”

Biography→Date of birth: February 10, 1990, Guangzhou, South Korea
Real name: Choi Soo-young & Height: 170cm, Blood type: O type
Member position: Lead dancer (actress/MC)
Education: Department of Theater and Film, Chuo University (currently enrolled)
Her debut: 2002 Route O' single album "START"
Japanese duo group 'Route O' members

★--What was the most difficult time?

"The most difficult time was when the release of 'Dancing Queen' was postponed four years ago. At that time, there were a lot of girl groups coming out, and I was thinking of establishing myself with this song. Suddenly, there was a blank, and now... All of my preparations and expectations disappeared, and I didn't know what to do.I was deeply hurt at such a young age.At that time, I felt like, ``We only have members.''(Tiffany)

 Remarks following Tiffany.

"There are always internal crises. We're walking on thin ice, hahaha. We feel like we're a family now. All problems are resolved within us. Even if there are conflicts, they'll be resolved before you know it. The secret is dialogue. We've been together for about 9 to 13 years now, and the conversations that usually feel like a waste of time have been very helpful." (Sooyoung)

★--What kind of stage did you have in mind?

``When I listened to the music alone, I didn't really get used to it, but as I listened, the structure of a musical began to emerge in my head.I came up with the idea of doing 'music for viewing' as a performance.The structure of the choreography. He's full of wit. Nowadays, the stage is interesting.'' (Yuna)

 Remarks following Yuna.

"You can lose weight naturally. When you finish dancing, the trainer at the training gym tells you to do just 15 more reps, and it feels like you've done it all." (Sooyoung)


Girls' Generation made a comeback with "I Got a Boy" after a year and two months. She wrote this by extracting the interview articles by members' comments.
Members such as Taeyeon, Yuri, Seohyun, and Tiffany appear to be actively speaking out about her new album ``I Got a Boy'' in interviews with her.

There are few other members. Sooyoung, Yuna, and Jessica are two. Hyoyeon is one. And it's not like she hasn't been asked any questions, but Sunny hasn't.

I'm really curious if it happened by chance, or if they had agreed to respond in the lines of Taeyong, Yuri, Seohyun, and Tiffany this time, or if there was a difference in the editing process.

She is good at dancing, but she is not good at exercise. I saw in a YouTube video that Sooyoung gets the most nervous when she runs around with her members.

Girls' Generation members now have their own rooms, but there are many stories from when they lived in dormitories. Sooyoung also has a lot of topics like this.
Taeyeon even pointed out how bad her sleeping position was, saying that she snored and talked in her sleep while she was sleeping, and that he even slept with her feet on his body.
There is also a famous story in which Seohyun went to wake up Sooyoung who was sleeping and she told him, ``She should take care of herself.''

But Sooyoung spoke.
She says, ``We've been together for about 9 to 13 years.The members have become like family now.'' "Even when there is a conflict, the problem is resolved before you know it. Dialogue is the secret. Chatting, which usually feels like a waste of time, is very helpful."

When she was active in Japan, she said she wanted to appear on ``Music Station'' and asked her agency to do it. She realized this as a member of ``Girls' Generation,'' and she cried tears of joy all by herself.

Sooyoung is a beautiful woman recommended by Tiffany and others, but she says this famous phrase:
She said, ``Until she met Girls' Generation members, she lived her life thinking she was the most beautiful.But after meeting the members, she thought, ``She's not that beautiful.'' ' she started thinking.

★Sooyoung and Seohyun in the makeup room

"Ah~, I want to go somewhere to play..."
Seohyun, who was next to her, agreed with her breathless words for Sooyoung.
"me too!"
Sooyoung opened her eyes.
“Where do you want to go?”
Seohyun crossed her arms,
"Hmm...I want to go to Nami Island."
"Nami Island? Where is Nami Island?"
Before Seohyun can answer, Sooyoung quickly grabs her smartphone.
"I'll search. Darm Darm..."
“Ah, Darm.”
"how's this···"
Sooyoung shows the screen.
Seohyun turned her pretty face towards the camera and brought her mouth close to the smartphone.
"Na, mi, island!"
She says each word out loud.
Sooyoung bursts out laughing.
“That won’t come out.”
“Are you going to come out?”
"No, it still comes out, but it's okay to talk normally."
“I felt like I had to say it clearly,” Seohyun said.
"I'll try."
Sooyoung whispered in her voice.
"'Nami Island'--see?"
Seohyun is impressed.
"It's true. It came out. It's amazing."
“Ah, that’s where the drama was filmed.”
Seohyun brought his finger to the screen.
"Look, there's a bicycle here. It's something that lovers ride together, but I'm going to ride it too."
She begins to make gestures like she's riding a bicycle.
“But it’s lonely being alone, isn’t it?”
When Sooyoung asked, Seohyun answered in a cheerful voice.
"Of course we're going together."
"with who?"
“You already know!”
Seohyun nudged Sooyoung's shoulder with his finger. He nudged me over and over again.
"Look, look! You know!"
Sooyoung coolly turned her head away.
"I won't go. I'm busy."
"It's not my sister."
Sooyoung started laughing.
"Then who is it?"
"Is me"
"So, who are you going with?"
“Even though I know.”
Seohyun nudged Sooyoung's shoulder.
"? what?"
Seohyun whispers to Sooyoung.
He starts laughing to himself.
"Eh? What did you say?"
Seohyun whispers in her ear again.
Soo-young repulses Seohyun, who tries to whisper in her ear again.
"Say it here."
He holds out his smartphone.
Seohyun immediately goes into a running stance.
"Come on, hurry up."
Seohyun keeps her mouth glued to her smartphone.
He moved his mouth.
“Who the hell is that?”
Sooyoung looked at the screen.
The screen went black.

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