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Good Girl Jessica (Girls' Generation)

Good Girl Jessica (Girls' Generation)

Girls' Generation's Jessica, perfect proportions shown in difficult white skinny jeans

Girls' Generation's Jessica perfectly wore white skinny jeans, which is difficult for anyone to wear.

Jessica showed off her exquisite fashion sense in white jeans with a white photo wall in the background. Her white color is a kind of taboo fashion that makes even slim people look fat, but Jessica was different. She was perfectly dressed with a perfect fit and matched well with her suede boots.

Jessica, actresses Han Ga In, Go Soo, SUPER JUNIOR's Siwon, Kim Hyo Jin, Jung Yoo Mi, and others attended the event.
(From Entertainment News)

"Bad Girl" is one of my favorite songs. In this song, Jessica shows off her strong charm.
She is the one who has the most unique or heretical spice among the members of ``Girls' Generation.'' With her as a member of the vocal team, I feel like Girls' Generation has been able to maintain an extremely wide range of possibilities.

She said that if Taeyeon was likened to the sun, Jessica would be Pluto, which has the furthest orbit. This means that the solar system looks completely different with or without Pluto.

I don't know much about her fashion, but I have a clear image of Jessica. No matter how much she smiles anytime and anywhere, she is still a good woman, never a pretty woman. That's another good thing.
However, this is just an image, and of course I don't know what she actually looks like.

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