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Han So-hee, from a two-shot photo with Natalie Portman

Han So-hee, from a two-shot photo with Natalie Portman

Han So Hee's "cap in your mouth" autograph video gets a lot of reaction! + 2-shot with Natalie Portman [Paris Collection]

★ Actress "Han So Hee" attended the "Christian Dior" show held during the "Spring/Summer 2024 Paris Haute Couture" week on the 22nd.

A video of him signing autographs to fans gathered outside the venue is going viral. ``Han So Hee'' took off the cap of the pen she received and signed it. Her appearance has become a hot topic as it is said to be attractive. Her related videos and photos have recorded over 2 million views.

Inside the venue, a two-shot with Natalie Portman was also realized. He listened to her, showed off her charming appearance, and talked about her.

Actress "Han So Hee" continues to have an overwhelming presence.
It feels like the more glamorous places she appears, the more aura she radiates.

What's even more amazing about her is the way she appears in movies and dramas.
As she begins to move in this world, she displays power and extraordinary ability that keep others at bay.
Of course she is good at dynamic acting, but even in her static acting, she seems to jump out of the screen, and you can feel the extraordinary energy surging from her whole body.

She is already doing this in movies and dramas, but the more she appears in these kinds of events, the more attention she will get.

She also had a two-shot with Natalie Portman, but what did the two of them talk about in their short time together?
Since I had the opportunity, I hope they will be able to perform together.

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