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From Taeyeon's News (Girls' Generation)

From Taeyeon's News (Girls' Generation)

Korean girl group Girls' Generation's Taeyeon has revealed her self-made makeup to celebrate Halloween.

Taeyeon posted a photo on her Instagram on the afternoon of the 30th with a short statement saying, "I did it (Halloween makeup)."

In the photo, Taeyeon is holding her phone to her ear as if she is on a call and is approaching the camera with her face. In particular, she is drawing attention with her high level of skill with her realistic Halloween makeup that makes her veins stand out.

Netizens who saw this have various reactions such as, "Taeyeon is very skilled," "I want Taeyeon to do my makeup for me," and "She's pretty no matter what makeup she wears."

(From Entertainment News)

After picking up this news, watch TTS's Music Video, "Holler." The three have further improved their singing and performance skills and are reliable. With Jessica gone, it's a reminder that these three were Girls' Generation's top three.

The original plan for TTS was to add Jessica to the group, making it four members.

However, Jessica, who wanted to focus on fashion-related work, refused. She would occasionally leave the group to allow other members to perform on stage. Now, I think we can see what happened.

Well, there's no point delving into the past.

I hope that Jessica, who had no choice but to leave the group, will be able to perform without regrets.

Girls' Generation is now down to eight members, which is a big blow. I think some of them said on TV that they wanted to continue working together forever, so the shock to fans must be great.

It's hard to shake the feeling that there's a hole in the group, but I'd like to continue supporting Taeyeon and Girls' Generation.

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