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Goo Hara's Personality (KARA)

Goo Hara's Personality (KARA)

Goo Hara, male idol "Chansung" and enthusiastic rumors, what is the truth?

KARA's Goo Hara's dating rumors surfaced.
During the filming of SBS 'Idol Emperor', which aired during the Lunar New Year holidays, Goo Hara appeared on the internet with a picture of her getting along with 2PM's Chansung, suggesting that the two are dating. A theory surfaced.
Regarding this, their respective agencies dismissed the rumors of their love affair, saying, "They are close friends, nothing more, nothing less," and "a photo taken by chance during their break." In addition, he denied the fact, saying, "It seems that the photo taken by the fans by chance was interpreted as the image of him practicing the script in the program, which expanded into a dating rumor."
However, netizens posted photos of him getting along with CNBLUE's Jung Yong Hwa on another stage, and suspicions have continued that he might be in love with him. However, it is highly possible that these photos are also frank and that the image of Goo Hara, who has a frank personality, is flirting with a friendly male idol.
Goo Hara is surrounded by rumors about her love affair with popular idols one after another. Attention is being paid to her every move toward her along with her “KARA riot”.
(From Entertainment News)

"I see, Goo Hara has an easy-going personality." No matter how people look at her, she can talk openly to people of the same sex or the opposite sex, and even joke around. It's easy to misunderstand that she's that kind of girl, but there are many girls who don't need decorations. Well, at times like this, she's nothing. When something happens, it seems that there will be a change that anyone can understand, and if not, it must be a pattern of starting with a very close friend and progressing to a friendship, and at a certain moment, it turns into love. Well, it's not something I worry about, but I'll follow up on her information in detail. I don't want my favorite daughter to catch someone who isn't even Roku. If she falls in love with me, that's fine. She's worked hard to get here, she's a hard worker, and she seems to have the ability to see her opponents and have the energy to live. I'm sure she has a solid vision for the future.
"Even so, she's cute in this picture (I don't know what to say, but Chansung is inferior to me when I was young (^_^;).
"If I get the chance, maybe I'll take a picture of her raw next time with my cell phone."

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