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Korean drama "You're a handsome man" Episode 14 (14)

Korean drama "You're a handsome man" Episode 14 (14)

Minyo was sad and couldn't handle it.
He was more shocked by Taecyeon's rejection than by Taecyeon's mother.
It wasn't because of my own calculations and ego that I didn't tell Taecyeon what Mo Hwa Ran said.
As a result of my various thoughts becoming entwined, I became reluctant to speak. There was never a selfish calculation there.
He wanted "big brother" to hear it.
"I don't want to see your face. Go away!"
But he didn't want to listen to himself. He didn't speak. That was sad. hard.

Minyo expressed his feelings with tears in his eyes.
"Director...it's because of his father that he was abandoned. It's his mother's fault that he and I were abandoned. I couldn't say that it didn't matter. I lost him. My first star... was clouded by tears and I couldn't see it."

After coming down the stairs, Shin Woo watched Minyo.
She could only feel her own helplessness to deal with her grief.

Taecyeon's sorrow was also shrouded in darkness. He continued to stare into the darkness.
"You can't see anything in the dark. Just think you're in the dark."

Mo Hwalan let his debt run away in alcohol.

Reporter Kim asks Yoo Hei what conclusion he has reached.
“Go Mi-nam and Go Min-yo are the same person and a woman, right?”
"I do not know"
"...then do you know the members of A.N.JELL?"
"Why are you asking me? You should ask them."
Reporter Kim made a sly face.
"I'm pretty sure I don't know. Just like Mr. Hey."
"I don't know what I don't know. Please ask Minam directly."
"Hahaa, in other words, I don't want to get involved. That's why you want me to question Minam? Well, that's what the entertainment world is all about."
“I am.” Reporter Kim brought his face closer to Yoo Hei. “I’m not satisfied with just a fledgling like Go Mi-nam. My real aim is to be a big name like Yoo Hei, A.N.
He poked his head out at Yu Hei, giving him a stern look.
"You know three people."
"Are you all accomplices? What is your relationship?"
He glared at Yu Hei from below.
As soon as Yu Hei peeled the whites of her eyes, he fell from her feet.
It was so sudden that Reporter Kim was perplexed. He suddenly became timid, fearing that he might be mistaken for what he had done.
"Yu, Mr. Yu Hei. Please be strong."


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