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Tiffany (Girls' Generation) in a photo shoot

Tiffany (Girls' Generation) in a photo shoot

With her birthday just around the corner, Girls' Generation member Tiffany showed off her beauty in a photo shoot that is more beautiful than a flower.

Tiffany was photographed as the first solo cover model since her debut for the August issue of fashion magazine "CeCi" to celebrate her 25th birthday. This photo shoot is especially meaningful because she will also be on the covers of "CeCi Korea," "CeCi China," and "CeCi Thailand."

In this photo shoot, which was held under the concept of a "birthday party" held in a secret garden filled with the scent of flowers, Tiffany shed her image as a pure girl and showed off her feminine charm.

A source on the set said, "Thanks to Tiffany's polite, kind personality and cheerful demeanor, all the staff were able to enjoy the long shoot. After the shoot, everyone had a party to celebrate Tiffany's birthday."

Tiffany's photo shoot, which boasts a beautiful appearance that shines among the gorgeous flowers, and the behind-the-scenes story after the shoot will be released in the August issue of "CeCi."
(From Entertainment News)

Just touching on the information about the members is overwhelming.
I thought I had collected a lot of things I wanted to write about, but I realized that I had lost them before I knew it, probably because I was so busy with life.

I don't have the energy to collect them again as I did at first.
The value of the information has deteriorated as more information is piled on top of it.

I decided to take some time off on my next day off to organize my information again, but when the day came, I was flooded with new information.

All the information I had gathered from the past faded in front of this photo shoot of Tiffany.

Oh well, I guess I'll spend the day immersed in what's going on with Tiffany.

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