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Enthusiastic idol star “BEAST”

Enthusiastic idol star “BEAST”

BEAST “Show us the dance of the beasts!”

On the 12th, BEAST was performing their brilliant choreography to many fans at the Seoul World Cup Stadium, where the ``18th Beloved Republic of Korea 2012 Dream Concert'' was held.
(From K-POP News)

Gikwang has returned, and it looks like a full-fledged stage performance with all 6 members. Even though they continue to go on stage without one member, their popularity does not decline, but continues to rise. Even at the K-Pop all-star concert, the voices that resonated with their music were particularly high-pitched.
I saw a video of their stage performance in Vietnam (Hanoi), and it was reminiscent of the Beatles' enthusiastic stage performance that amazed me as a child.
I'm sure it was the same at this day's concert.
Although they started out as a group of underachievers, they are now on the verge of becoming K-pop's biggest stars.

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